Happy Tree Friends vs 2hot4you (skeer naampje) (2424 views)

nl Constan
nl base
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de reQuiem
15.06.14 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: DC Pistol Cup 2014 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Constan (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 190
The bets have been cancelled.

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base /!\
nice jaymod cup
GL nerds
gunda cup
Alle warten auf ihre Pakete hopp hopp türkischer Postbote :P
ach? hab doch grad noch gunda dildos vorbeigebracht
lol was eine dreckige Rasse xd Abschaum und Verderben xdd
tamam jürgen von der lippe
i thought banned or known cheater are not welcome on gtv :S
That's cf.
Why this Luger cup itself doesn't have a rule that disallow banned cheaters?
Wh player + busted player + nexus user. Clean war this will be.
It's not up to me...
am I the clean guy or what ?
Depends on your definition of clean? :p
constan cheaterlover
true that, bann worthy for cybergamer
wacht maar tot jij op dat lijstje staat lieve sgat,
lekker door de boompjes schieten en gibben door de muur blijft niet voor altijd onopgemerkt <3
base vs reQuiem, battle of the cheaters
feuer und dann alle rein da
but reQuiem is shit overall
he is without nexus
even if he uses something :<

Mr.50acc at pub & 27acc in 3o3
Pro skillz on Pub hehehe
you better focus on your own matches
h3h3 you are funny.. oh no you are cheater :D

Status: Cancelled
cheaters ar e not allowed to play here

GTV has no policy about disallowing CG banned players to play on GTV resources.
Admin doesnt allow banned CG players in his cup since today.
does not allowed on gtv* u can play this retarded cup without it :P
Well so far i know, he'll remove base from his cup (since its for money)

de shNz quote : all haters are fans <3
im the biggest fan