Serious Incident Called Karma vs turbot (11496 views)

lv Clown
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fi Statti
fi Swanidius
fi vokki
fi walle

CF ET Spring Cup 2014
Grand Final

turbot have to win twice

Game cancelled due to both teams inability to schedule it.
17.06.14 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CF ET Spring Cup 2014
Manager: Oxymoron (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 12110
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


avi for turbot
Maybe you could play for me. Dunno if I'll be able to play this time.
You just answered razz's prayers.
too low
avi for turbot
avi for turbot
avi for turbot
omg CLOWN omg
avi for sic6
Split if needed or not?
gl lettu
Not going to be played tonight.
So, you can play random offis, but not us?
Yes, we are definitely gonna play against you with metsuri on laptop and some other merc. :l
We're using two mercs as well. olba is online, lettu is online and statti is online. Make it work.
Yesterday lettu was online as well, even though you made it work!
Statti, Swani and walle off, not gonna happen, sry.
twidi, iron and nuggan off, still gonna happen, sry.
lol swani not on his pc, yea right
Could you play today?
nope. Going to have to play tomorrow, or... well, sometime in 5 weeks.
Sometime in 5 weeks sounds good
vokki is a white boy
when do you play I want to see some headies!
avi for turbot
not avi for either of these teams soz
not avi for either of these teams soz
avi for either of these teams thx
avi for these teams np
when is swani gonna win this cup aswell
Swanidius > TESTI :)
swani best etplayer known to man.
epic voice / looks.
atleast not an asshole :x
Yes he is wery nice.
woott > testi!!!
Probably in September
Just get 4 mercs each and end that shit. Nobody even cares about the result
how the fuck is this cup still going :D

gonna be played at spring 2015
Avi on sunday 22 may 2015 so we can play this
spring cup gg
Lets play this next thursday?!
just wow
Status: Cancelled
turbot got forfeit win from 1st match. 2nd match gonna be requested soon!
Why cancel this game, just let this on gamestv and change match description?:D
It's been unscheduled for 2 months already, do you really think GamesTV should allow everyone to leave their games unscheduled without any action for 2+ months? It's not our business that admins/teams cannot arrange 1 spare evening within 2 months to finish this cup already ;o
I'm just pointing, they can reopen this if its scheduled?:)