Malibu vs Double Dutch Dragons (3028 views)

nl Aie
nl kApot
nl outlAw
nl iNsAne
de iNfAmous
de scOw
pt setupj
pt R0th
nl rezta
be xAv
us ipod
17.06.14 22:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth [M] scow 78 kills
Killing Spree DRGN JALLAAAAAA 9 frags without being killed
Accountant [M] scow 122% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! ^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous 21 gibs
...and stay dead! ^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous 41% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning [M] scow 73 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! ^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous 37 SPAM kills
Fragstealer ^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous 139 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! DRG^DN rth 279 damage per frag
What objective? [M] scow 431 XP
Red Shirt DRGN SETUP 78 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? DRGN JALLAAAAAA 10 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore [M] scow 176 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut DRGN SETUP 4 team kills
Gingerbread man [M] ^WbuiteN de weT 19 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
DRGN ipod 702855476131289657112652700/01/939/5016/917914655
DRG^DN rth5424435648119758997211430/02/231/433/1321715037
DRGN RezTa783404254801680678983810/01/641/391/519216646
DRGN JALLAAAAAA7638157741412811089116643170/012/637/4910/9195156910
DRGN SETUP683745478151499960100034741/02/737/4118/2118412735
DRGN 7019052994226661353559925961820171/043/7185/4178/2118914157
[M] kAPOT703014463160012729891672740/03/933/267/1716614656
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous672085176210218721272221530/113/91/3537/151419535
[^MM] Aie9538257591311111062595912810/05/747/304/918616044
[M] Mentaal gestoord11139072641212171124894514600/010/260/292/1515614564
[M] scow120431786418131412290107911640/05/873/333/1015816654
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT9335862671400191094597701260/00/753/329/917714656
[M] 922070364393943891596185599214580/036/7267/3262/916414355
Player Summary for karsiah_te2
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
DRGN ipod 100621111100017882038360/00/211/80/1DDKKDDKDKKKDDKKKDKDKDD
DRG^DN rth697191310022047203000/01/18/90/1D/DDDDKDDKDKDKKKDKDK/K
DRGN RezTa415251220031467164200/00/05/90/1KD/DXDDKDDKDK/KD/D
DRGN JALLAAAAAA100971111401221991917610/02/06/94/0KKKK/TKKDDDKDKKK/DKDDDD
DRGN SETUP5351815000014651699760/00/18/100/4KDDKDKDDKDKKDDDDKDDKDDD
DRGN 7237355789011110729109522070/07/538/5310/10
[M] kAPOT127831411500116591838250/01/211/82/0DDDK/KDKKKKKDDKDKKKKDDKKD
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous703471050021110115000/00/11/56/2/KDDKKDDK/KDKDKDD
[^MM] Aie8054810210115081559540/02/36/50/0DKSK/KKDKDDKDDKDKD
[M] Mentaal gestoord8561121420022043234400/02/010/70/4KKDKDDDDKKD/KKKDDKDDKDKDK/
[M] scow154101171160012363197400/00/117/70/2KDKKKDD/DKKKDDDKKKDKDKKDKKKK
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT9076910300322691864180/00/08/61/1K/DKK//KDDKDKDKKDDK
[M] 10140967662310101095210729970/05/753/389/9

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
DRGN ipod 55541120201320582798890/00/49/103/3DTXKDDKDKDKDDKK/DDK/DDKDDDKDK/KDD
DRG^DN rth4252614100212452158360/00/16/80/4DXKDK/KKDDDDDDKDK/DDD
DRGN RezTa5066510100112641771180/00/05/80/1KDDKD/KDDKKDDDD
DRGN JALLAAAAAA5064918300319882597180/01/07/101/4DDKDDDKDKD/DDDKK//DDKKDKKDD
DRGN SETUP42103819201421082697940/01/15/113/2KTDDDKDDDKDKD///D/KDKKDDDDDK
DRGN 4637945981012169734135922920/06/832/549/17
[M] kAPOT13753118400214841211600/01/17/43/1KDKKDK/DKKK/KKDDKDK
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous100621414201321291493730/04/10/99/1KDDKK/KKTDKDDDDKDKKK/KDK/DKKD
[^MM] Aie133821612400421441740330/00/014/52/3DKKDKKDK/KKD/KKDKDKK/KDKDKK/
[M] Mentaal gestoord838210122007269514071100/00/17/21/2K//DK/KK/K/D/DKKDKDK/K
[M] scow114791614200631002260500/02/113/71/1K/KKDD/KKKXKD/K/K/KKK/DDKKDDKKD
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT127691411200420401623360/00/112/42/2K/KKDKDKK/DKDKK/DKDKDKK/K
[M] 11642781711601261359297343620/07/553/3118/10
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
DRGN ipod 7673131730012170247700/01/08/144/2/KKDKDDDDKKKDDKDKDDKKDKKDDDKDD
DRG^DN rth109481211400118601992470/01/010/101/1KDKKXDD/KKKDDKDKKDKDDDKK
DRGN RezTa7651101310001909217100/00/310/80/2KDKDDKDKKDKDDKDDKDKDDDK
DRGN JALLAAAAAA27525182002207128161130/02/33/120/1KDKK/KDDDD/DDDDDKDDDDDD
DRGN 7740169921801812884132713350/09/1040/6221/12
[M] kAPOT506781640041898230800/00/25/62/4DDDDD/KDDKDDDKKDK//K/KKD
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous5030102040071466167000/04/30/66/4/DDDDKK/DDKK/DDK/KDK/DKDK/KDD/
[^MM] Aie80701215201323332095180/00/011/92/3D/DKKKKDD/K/DDKTKDDKDDKKKKDD
[M] Mentaal gestoord1601032415300428362116580/04/120/70/3/DDKKKKKKK/KDKDKKDKKK/KK/DKKDKDKDDKKKDK
[M] scow133711612300225502147540/02/113/81/2KDKD/KKKKK/DKDDXKDKDKKDKKKKDD
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT7759141830072188254800/00/214/50/4/DDD/KDKDK/DDDK/KK/KDK/KK/DKKDKK
[M] 92400849619012713271128841300/010/963/4111/20

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
DRGN ipod 1077114136113251317891090/00/07/88/1KD/TKDKKDKDDDKDKK/DKSKKKKK/D
DRG^DN rth3535514100214801669180/00/04/91/4KXK/DDDD/KDDDDKDKDDD
DRGN RezTa14410313910021981150100/01/112/50/1K/KDKKK/DKKDKKKKDDDKDK
DRGN 119490927917231414547106607551/015/653/4722/12
[M] kAPOT5065918300113682618580/01/48/50/8DK/DDDKDKDDKKDDDKDDKDDDDKKD
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous52571121500314021910130/12/40/109/4DDD/D/KKDXDDKDDDKDDKDKDKD/KKDDKKD
[^MM] Aie6490914400122312556180/01/18/80/3KDDK/DKDKKDDKDDDDKDKDDK
[M] Mentaal gestoord867313151112182524061120/02/012/100/2KDDKDDTK/KK/KDKXSKKDKDDKDKDDKD
[M] scow78931519111121882925390/00/316/110/3DKKDDKDKKDKD/KKDKDKTSDKKDDKDDDKDDDK
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT3381618100316462132540/00/35/111/0DDDK//KDDKKD/DDKDDDDDDKD
[M] 614596310515221110660145472940/16/1549/5510/20
Player Summary for adlernest
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
DRGN ipod 208150000497838180/00/11/40/1DKXDDDD
DRG^DN rth331426100233375600/00/01/11/3DK//KDDD
DRGN RezTa1003155100082783300/00/14/51/0KDKDDDKDKKX
DRGN JALLAAAAAA37263800107961219490/01/12/51/2DDDDKKDKDTDD
DRGN SETUP37183800207591101970/00/13/42/3KDTDKDTKDDDDD
DRGN 5111518373033402154132250/04/411/246/9
[M] kAPOT0160500024855761310/00/00/20/1D//DD
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous8313563011527547670/01/00/35/2KDKDDDKK/KDT
[^MM] Aie15036640001823916720/02/24/10/0KKDKKKD/DK
[M] Mentaal gestoord20048633002918353540/01/05/10/1D/KKKXK/KK
[M] scow233527330111162655180/00/27/01/0D/TKKDKKKKK
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT200371054001149897400/00/07/33/2KDKKDKK/KKDKKDKX
[M] 144202342613028541340213420/04/423/109/6

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
DRGN ipod 401741010016311325180/00/23/61/1KDKDD/DKDKDDDD
DRG^DN rth16241601106241116420/00/02/60/0TDDDKDDDXS
DRGN RezTa80374520106191065630/00/15/40/0DKDKKDDTKD
DRGN JALLAAAAAA85276741001036969180/02/01/63/0KSKKKDDDKKDDD
DRGN SETUP502224210058349700/00/00/12/3DXDDKSK
DRGN 5414720389331407757302030/02/411/2710/5
[M] kAPOT401725000240461600/00/02/10/3XDK/KDD/
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous801245200257845200/02/00/22/2/DKKXKKDD/
[^MM] Aie150506410011586725860/00/14/20/0KKDKKKD/DK
[M] Mentaal gestoord140237510109318251260/01/06/21/3DTKDKKDKKDKKD
[M] scow1403575301392783030/01/07/00/2KK/DTKK/KKK/D
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT180369510011304629180/00/17/32/0KDDDKK/KDKKKKK
[M] 12217335298029573040772330/04/226/105/10

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: jallaa
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: jou moet ik hebben
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: waar dafuq is henkie
DRGN ipod [Warmup]: asslicking him already kapot?
DRGN JALLAAAAAA [Warmup]: geen idd
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: heeft hij al weer een huis
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: toffe gozer is het
DRGN SETUP [Warmup]: we have no clue how to defend this, just saying
[M] kAPOT [Countdown]: im just asking where is henkie
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT [Countdown]: een aei een aei
[M] kAPOT [Countdown]: ipod jewish fish
[10:51]: Allies capture the Old City!
[10:45]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[10:44]: Allies capture the Old City!
[M] kAPOT [10:34]: XD
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT [10:25]: Enemy in disguise
[10:04]: Allies have captured the Old City!
[10:04]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
[5:30]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
[4:42]: Allies have transmitted both Documents!
[4:42]: Allies have transmitted the South Documents!
[M] kAPOT [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 7:18
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[M] Mentaal gestoord [Warmup]: RDYU
[3:36]: Allies capture the Old City!
[2:58]: Allies have captured the Old City!
[2:58]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
[M] scow [2:39]: :D
[M] scow [2:33]: dreamed the fuck away :D
[0:43]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
DRGN SETUP [0:14]: ggs
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (7:18)
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[13:41]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[13:21]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[12:25]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[12:21]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[11:40]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[11:19]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
[10:59]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[10:57]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[10:57]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[10:43]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[6:52]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 8:07
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT [Intermission]: gg
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[6:46]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[6:44]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[6:42]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[6:24]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[6:09]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[5:48]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[4:58]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[4:47]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[4:39]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[4:38]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[4:33]: The Depot Fence has been destroyed.
[4:01]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[3:46]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[3:38]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT [3:03]: :D
[2:29]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
DRG^DN rth [2:12]: :D
DRG^DN rth [2:12]: :D
DRG^DN rth [2:12]: :D
DRG^DN rth [2:11]: :D
[2:03]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
DRG^DN rth [1:23]: :d:d:d
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous [0:59]: wp
DRG^DN rth [0:40]: IZI
[M] Mentaal gestoord [0:38]: {::DDD
[M] Mentaal gestoord [0:37]: {::DDD
[M] Mentaal gestoord [0:37]: {::DDD
[M] Mentaal gestoord [0:37]: {::DDD
[M] Mentaal gestoord [0:37]: {::DDD
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (8:07)
DRG^DN rth [Warmup]: idd
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: essien atsu asamoah uhm what niggers more
DRG^DN rth [Warmup]: btw robben fastest player atm
DRG^DN rth [Warmup]: wp
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: easy
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous [Warmup]: usa believes he uses doping though
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous [Warmup]: :D
[^MM] Aie [Warmup]: like me the fastest strafer in this team
[^MM] Aie [Warmup]: i fly like the wind
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous [Warmup]: no anticheat in WC :(
[^MM] Aie [Warmup]: rezta
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: rezta
[^MM] Aie [Countdown]: ben je der klaar voor
[9:05]: The Doors are opening!!
[8:51]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[8:51]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[M] kAPOT [7:47]: XD
[6:55]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 3:04
[^MM] Aie [Intermission]: chaos crisis in de zaal
[M] Mentaal gestoord [Intermission]: izi
[M] Mentaal gestoord [Intermission]: roth
[M] Mentaal gestoord [Intermission]: izi
[^MM] Aie [Intermission]: zijn het marokkanen nee het is wartaal
[M] kAPOT [Intermission]: :P
DRG^DN rth [Intermission]: :DD
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT [Warmup]: do u even lift?
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT [Warmup]: do u even lift?
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[M] ^WbuiteN de weT [Warmup]: maroKKanen?
DRGN SETUP [Warmup]: would be mor efun if ud pick a goot map (=
DRG^DN rth [Warmup]: was talking about stike but gg
DRG^DN rth [Warmup]: strike
^V[^WM^V] iNfAmous [Warmup]: we cannot into good map :(
DRGN SETUP [Warmup]: dont be ironic, iam not too , just saying i would prefer a longer and decent map
DRGN SETUP [Warmup]: instead
DRGN SETUP [Warmup]: that's it
DRGN SETUP [Warmup]: hf
[^MM] Aie [Warmup]: well some diversity is nice
[M] Mentaal gestoord [2:13]: {::DDD
[M] Mentaal gestoord [2:13]: {::DDD
[2:01]: The Doors are opening!!
[1:10]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[1:10]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
DRG^DN rth [0:47]: :D
DRG^DN rth [0:46]: :D
[M] kAPOT [0:14]: ggs
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (3:04)
[Intermission]: DRGN ipod disconnected
[Intermission]: DRGN SETUP disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] scow disconnected
[Intermission]: DRGN rth disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] Mentaal gestoord disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] Aie disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] kAPOT disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] iNfAmous disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] buiteN de weT disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.