Fear Factory X-Fi vs hardboys (11826 views)

pl wiadro
pl uf0l
pl Wrobel
pl sOme
pl n00n
pl Frag'Stealer
be isEN
fi olBaa
se nordaN
si snail
be .X.!
se slajdan
Group D
CB Match Link
22.04.08 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XVII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Bartichello (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37466
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: bandiT
Listen to bandiT
Language: Polish

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: 41

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #LoFT ETTV1
By: benJi (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

de VagrantS.ETTV
By: MiC` (ettvd)
de VagrantS.ETTV5
By: MiC` (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV #2
By: Bartichello (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 293


gl hf FF Lord Wiader !! Niszczysz !
bez wieska bedzie ciezko ;]
skad wiesz ze go nie bedzie ??
napisal na cf journal, ze konczy z ET z powodu wyjazdu do SCO
a tam konczy. kupi kompa i bedzie gral :D
wiesiu nie konczy z et bo wzil laptopa so SCO wiec gra caly czas
4:2 for FF
You have € 153 on pl FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 183.6
r1co i frag pokaraja,tak jak z finretards.
izi for ff
Templar izi for ff !

GL hf ! : - )
Lineup for that match:

pl Wrobel (R4f4l k4r4t0r Own4T0R)
pl wiadro (by tosspot WAJDŻRO,RiFl4T0r)
pl sOme (t0m3k FildOPCI4RZ)
pl r1co' (M4rC1N "r1co" Mr.4hs only))
pl uf0l (You don't know is yet, knifer is back!!)
pl Frag'Stealer (M4C!3K, aka HAJ SENSITIVITY)
pl n00n (M3T4N4B0L4RZ, ROZPIERD4L4T0R)
easy for ff
4:0 FF
lol ezmode for lagbots :d
wrobel pokaz wroclawskiego skilla :D!
s0me , wiader , wrobel :* karac !! izi for FF
np for FF...isen from hard big whiner
OGIEN n00n !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plwiaderko Good luck!
gl FF friends + slaj & nordis
FF hf :)
gl uf0l!!, slaj and nordan
You have € 49 on hard
Possible win: € 449.82

my last money!
u'r looser :D
gl olbaa
Za nie dlugo pół sceny bedzie grac w FF =D ! Wystarczy, ze na lanie porobisz pare fotek grupie FF =)

gl FF
Za nie dlugo pół sceny bedzie grac w FF =D ! Wystarczy, ze na lanie porobisz pare fotek grupie FF =)

Ojojoj, Czy ta dygresja odnosi sie do mnie? Nie gram w FF jakos na codzien, tylko czasem jak kogos nie maja,a jak coś nie tak, to to tylko i wylacznie twoj problem:)
nP4 n00n, GL OLBAA
don't rly think hard has any chance of taking this..
nobody ever thinks we're going to take it, but this time I think youre right!
Macie wieska za jakiegoś boga, wygraja bez i bez niego.
GL FF ! =]
FF 4 sure
templar pokara! :O
Zrobcie Rozjeb !
You have € 2547 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2776.23 GL!!!!!
GL FF!!!!! dacie rade
gl olBaa
gl hardboys
You have € 100 on hard
Possible win: € 1341

GL Hard!
Hard jest słabe isen louuuuuuuu
a big GL to olBaa (:
FF win 4:0 ;)
u might wanna give that a second thought
hope FF wins very fast so i can watch Liverpool vs Chelsea
low vs low
gl hard
izi for FF. gl wrobel
GO olBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
GL&HF FF !!!!! go go !!!
gl ff
You have € 100 on eu hard Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1104

gl make us rich!!
<3 oldschool FF tags!
no wiesiek no win
4-0 ephix - easy bash
wiedzialem ! ;x
racja..no wiesiek no win
4:0 omg my money....
xDDDD ciekawie :P
hahahaahah xDDDDD
Need headboxes. :-[
You have € 100 on eu hard
Possible win: € 1125

tnx guys!:D
You have € 239 on eu hard
Possible win: € 2688.75

same :D
imo templar > s0me (ego ofc) xD
OMFG :,(
kurwa :[
You have € 20 on hard
You won € 225

love u guys <3
pffffffffff lost ....
kinda expected.
hi money
hi money
You have € 69 on eu hard
You won € 776.25

maybe next time let gnadja play
You have € 20 on eu hard
You won € 225
You have € 10 on hard
You won € 112.5
no gnajda no win
what the hell? FFXFI what happened?
You have € 5 on eu hard
You won € 56.25

You have € 7000 on FF
You have 4 on hard
You won 45
where the fuck are replays of this match?!?! everywhere cortana vs vae plz :!!!!!!!
this was expected, did olbaa gave me shouts?
he said he hated you :x
<333333333 i love you <3
You have € 60 on pl FF X-Fi
You lost
You have € 40 on pl FF X-Fi
You lost

o fuck, ale suprise XD

Gnajda nie gra, ale nun gra xD....

gie gie
You have € 5 on hard
You won € 56.25
what happened to sOme etc?
You have € 50 on eu hard
You won € 562.5

yey and thx to polish national pride for betting all their money on FF so ods where so good =)
You have € 10 on eu hard
You won € 112.5

Thx for money :>
postawilem 228 na ff i przejebalem cale siano kurwa chlopy zawiodlem sie na was :((((((((((((((((((
You have € 153 on FF X-Fi
You lost
FF vs vae - it had to be more than luck.
it was no lepari imo
nice isEN
You have € 40 on pl FF X-Fi
You lost
You have € 80 on pl FF X-Fi
You lost
FUCK U...i bet on HARD all my money...some minutes later i took a look again and there was no bet anymore and they were closed !

fu >_>
slajdan wh :D
should of bet more on you olBaa :D
Nice panzakills olBaaaaaaaa!!
expected. thx slajdan.

You have € 20 on hard
You won € 225
FF without wiesiek sux. Wiesiek >all
wtf dankjewel kk pole XD