Malibu vs randomZ (2577 views)

nl kApot
nl outlaw
be vyndEM
nl Aie
de infamous
nl Dennusj
de mental
nl aphesia
hu Fobje
de kReSti
de s1LENT
pl Kirej

Double Dutch Dragons 6on6 One Day Cup
Semi Final – Best Of 3

19.06.14 21:15 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth random(Z) kReSti :* 55 kills
Killing Spree random(Z) aphesia 9 frags without being killed
Accountant random(Z) s1lent :[ 138% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! random(Z) kReSti :* 15 gibs
...and stay dead! random(Z) s1lent :[ 40% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning random(Z) aphesia 39 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! random(Z) kReSti :* 37 SPAM kills
Fragstealer random(Z) s1lent :[ 96 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! random(Z) jerik 320 damage per frag
What objective? random(Z) aphesia 254 XP
Red Shirt [M] Vyndem 51 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? [M] kAPOT 11 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore random(Z) Fobje 195 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut random(Z) kReSti :* 4 team kills
Gingerbread man random(Z) kReSti :* 21 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[M] kAPOT5112323459003436377081050/03/719/241/11190171511
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous4714321457004457861491010/05/78/245/1021813729
[M] 4134914622456008583671272460/00/622/230/826515827
[M] Vyndem451312351500647317017540/00/621/252/1420613835
[M] T1$D13V13Z3439017384202334950271430/02/52/1913/1019712627
[M] outlAw832423846600680657650360/00/336/332/421216634
random(Z) s1lent :[83345620011286634360/00/02/33/225710634
[M] 5490914927639203032208413127210/010/0110/326/222114337
random(Z) mental105241413810107675867421670/01/335/265/416517376
random(Z) jerik7821629377029633057685710/07/122/261/121815647
random(Z) kReSti :*1382185540150421728031108730/022/10/1537/41327873
random(Z) Fobje91201323530311496253652991/01/130/143/915515334
random(Z) aphesia129254443490113816954302900/01/239/175/518616093
random(Z) s1lent :[1381663324601745863421980/12/225/127/213914394
random(Z) 11212962342085011168380852983622981/134/2151/1258/216614475
Player Summary for Karsiah_te2
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[M] kAPOT57144750016791062180/00/14/40/1KDKKDDDK/DD
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous75346830011511860110/01/10/62/0KDKKDKDKDKD/DD
[M] 4131004877200113811084180/00/27/40/0KKDKDDDKDK/KKD
[M] Vyndem149170001579100700/00/01/40/2/DKDDDDD
[M] T1$D13V13Z32013150000433101800/00/01/50/0DDDKDD
[M] outlAw1425210700031692114100/00/110/30/0KK/KDKKKDDK/KK/KD
[M] 6817029411000762756172470/01/523/262/3
random(Z) mental171481276001141515011120/00/111/51/1KDXKDKKKDD/KKKKDDKKK
random(Z) jerik222929100111381442500/00/02/70/0DKD/DDDDDKD
random(Z) kReSti :*7127576004618389870/05/00/20/0/KK//DKKDD/K
random(Z) Fobje15054322010628630250/00/04/20/0TDKKKD
random(Z) aphesia573547100110211162400/00/04/50/1DD/KDKDKKDD
random(Z) s1lent :[133618620021352115100/00/06/32/0DDKDKKK/KKDK/K
random(Z) 101254343818019617262753140/05/127/243/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[M] kAPOT229290001542165900/00/11/51/2/DDDDDDKDDK
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous6217581000776915180/04/10/51/2KDDKDDDDKDKDK
[M] 41337233810011125146100/00/13/30/3D/DKDDDKDKD
[M] Vyndem402141000018351540360/00/04/40/5KD/DDDKDDDDKKD
[M] T1$D13V13Z32519280100476122800/00/01/31/4DKDDKSDDDD
[M] outlAw55505900001290174800/00/05/80/1KDDDKDKKDDDKDD
[M] 401392152210350448551540/04/314/283/17
random(Z) mental100558820031519136000/01/16/41/1DK/KKD/KK/KDKXDKD
random(Z) jerik662846101411325664160/00/13/11/0KD/D/TK/KK/
random(Z) kReSti :*883889100613785351390/00/00/38/0/KKD/KKK/K/DKK/D/
random(Z) Fobje633371100051293123700/01/16/30/2D/K/K/DK/KK/DDKDKD
random(Z) aphesia1376411840151922894970/00/19/23/0/KK/KDKKK/X/KK/KDTKDK
random(Z) s1lent :[333010300010000/01/05/24/0K/DDKKKKKKKKK
random(Z) 131218484580224724445926520/03/429/1517/3
Player Summary for adlernest
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[M] kAPOT3965923200022533841870/02/47/120/7DKKKKKDDDDDDDDDDDKDDDDKKKDDDDDDD
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous3967923200217533440720/00/37/122/6KDDKDDKDKDDDDKDD/DDD/DDKDDKKDDKD
[M] 41340629222004273534562100/00/19/140/3K/KK///DDDDKDDDDDDKKKDDDDDDDKDK
[M] Vyndem55751527200223463684180/00/414/141/7DKDD/KKDDKDDKDDDDDKDDDKDKKKDD/KDKKDDDKDDKD
[M] T1$D13V13Z345489203101209621711290/02/40/97/5DKDKSKDKDDDDDDDKKDDKDDKDDKDD/
[M] outlAw60861525500336983852360/00/213/182/2DDDDKDKDDKDDKDKKDKDK/DKDDDKDDDK/DKK/KKDD
[M] 464036614016101214881204445520/04/1850/7912/30
random(Z) mental1261121915210332782928370/00/017/102/2DDSKKKKKKKDKKD/KDD/K/KDKKKDDKDKKKDD
random(Z) jerik1251252016501432712864870/05/016/130/0DKDDDKKKK/KDKDDK/KK/KKDK/KKKKTDDKKDKDX
random(Z) kReSti :*18312233187049397515005740/011/10/726/2KKKK/DTKK/DKDDKKK/KKKDKKD/K/KTD/KKXK/K/KKKKKKTK/KKTKDKDK
random(Z) Fobje84731619100524432899360/00/013/83/6KKDKDKKK/DDDKK/KKK//DDKD/DDKKDKDKDD
random(Z) aphesia1711202414400542432420410/01/121/72/4K/DKXDDKKKKKKKKK/KK/KKDDKXDK/K/KKDDKXKDKK
random(Z) s1lent :[1071051514401432342270980/01/214/71/2DDKDDKKKD/KDKKKKKKDK/DD/KKDXK/T
random(Z) 1336571279623163020444148818730/018/481/5234/16

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[M] kAPOT13335862001889114600/01/17/30/1KKDDKKKK/DKKDD
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous162516100153893400/00/21/10/2DD/KDDD
[M] 41337133810025951126180/00/23/20/2D/KDD/KDKDD
[M] Vyndem422637300297178600/00/22/31/0K/D/KDDDKD
[M] T1$D13V13Z310010551001344610140/00/10/25/1KDK/KKDKDD
[M] outlAw16054851000138590900/00/08/40/1KDKDKDKKKDKKD
random(Z) s1lent :[83345620011286634360/00/02/33/2KDKDD/DDKKK
[M] 8219733431100860086145680/01/823/189/9
random(Z) mental2526280000546953180/00/11/71/0DDDKDDDDKD
random(Z) jerik5034360000789896180/02/01/50/1DDDKDKKDD
random(Z) kReSti :*150319610021309686730/06/00/33/2K/KKDK/DKKDXKDKK
random(Z) Fobje200416300215985992381/00/07/10/1KDTKK/DKKTK
random(Z) aphesia100355500029839541120/00/05/30/0KDKK/D/KDK
random(Z) s1lent :[000100000000/10/00/00/0X
random(Z) 8816725291025422540884591/18/114/194/4

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
random(Z) aphesia [Warmup]: haha mad fag
random(Z) mental [Warmup]: can only insult with fakenick
random(Z) mental [Warmup]: nice life
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Warmup]: cancerjew
random(Z) mental [Warmup]: je moeder kanker op
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Warmup]: ja krankenschwein
[M] outlAw [Warmup]: wat LoL met je doet
[11:25]: Allies capture the Old City!
[11:23]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[11:20]: Allies capture the Old City!
[M] outlAw [11:18]: dat body cap
[M] outlAw [11:17]: fuck
[10:35]: Allies have captured the Old City!
[10:35]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
[9:01]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
[7:37]: Allies have transmitted both Documents!
[7:37]: Allies have transmitted the South Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 4:23
random(Z) mental [Intermission]: gg
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous [Intermission]: wp
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[M] kAPOT [2:12]: :D
[M] kAPOT [2:11]: :D
[M] kAPOT [2:11]: :D
[M] kAPOT [2:11]: :D
random(Z) kReSti :* [2:05]: :}
random(Z) kReSti :* [2:05]: :}
random(Z) kReSti :* [2:05]: :}
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (4:23)
random(Z) Fobje [Intermission]: gg
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Intermission]: noobs
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous [Intermission]: GG
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Intermission]: only kemper
random(Z) mental [Intermission]: low fag
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous [Intermission]: hes mad
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous [Intermission]: ignore him
random(Z) s1lent :[ [Intermission]: yes
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[M] kAPOT [9:43]: XD
random(Z) mental [9:00]: ok
random(Z) mental [8:55]: dat fly
[M] outlAw [7:58]: :D
[7:08]: The Doors are opening!!
[M] outlAw [6:34]: :D
[4:53]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[4:53]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 10:00
random(Z) kReSti :* [Intermission]: gg
random(Z) mental [Intermission]: gg
[M] 413 [Intermission]: gg
[M] Vyndem [Intermission]: gg
random(Z) kReSti :* [Warmup]: aphesia : i hope hes mad now
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[M] 413 [Warmup]: aphesia moet een piemel in de mond
[M] kAPOT [Warmup]: > ReAdy
[M] 413 [Warmup]: lik de kont van die duitser
[M] 413 [Warmup]: lekker
[M] 413 [Warmup]: nerdje
random(Z) kReSti :* [Warmup]: a black one
[M] 413 [Warmup]: :)
[M] 413 [Warmup]: aphesia hopes hes mad XD
[M] 413 [Warmup]: jwt
[M] 413 [Warmup]: hou de hoop maar hoog
[M] 413 [Warmup]: net zoals casillas
[M] 413 [Warmup]: kut kop
random(Z) aphesia [Warmup]: haha hurts doesnt it
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Countdown]: kerel
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Countdown]: wat een stumper ben je
[M] 413 [Countdown]: hahahah
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Countdown]: krijg kanker en ga er dood aan viese emo
random(Z) mental [Countdown]: Fobje: i am pretty wet now at my pijama after this madness
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Countdown]: zoek een touw
[8:29]: The Doors are opening!!
[8:11]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[8:11]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[M] 413 [7:58]: jhahah
random(Z) kReSti :* [7:57]: :}
random(Z) kReSti :* [7:57]: :}
[7:28]: random(Z) s1lent :[ timed out
[6:55]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 3:04 (original: 10:00)
[M] outlAw [Intermission]: gg
[M] 413 [Intermission]: gg
random(Z) kReSti :* [Intermission]: gg
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Intermission]: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[M] kAPOT [Intermission]: ggs
^V[^WM^V] ^WiNfAmous [Intermission]: GG
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Intermission]: VIESE
random(Z) mental [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: [M] kAPOT disconnected
[Intermission]: random(Z) aphesia disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] iNfAmous disconnected
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Intermission]: KANKERGRAFEMO
[Intermission]: [M] outlAw disconnected
random(Z) s1lent :[ [Intermission]: voll schwer
[Intermission]: [M] Vyndem disconnected
[Intermission]: random(Z) mental disconnected
[Intermission]: random(Z) kReSti :* disconnected
[M] T1$D13V13Z3 [Intermission]: VIESE GRAFKANKERHOND
[Intermission]: [M] 413 disconnected
[Intermission]: [M] T1$D13V13Z3 disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.