Double Dutch Dragons vs randomZ (3543 views)

pt setupj
pt slapper
nl esSe
us vein
be xAv
de mental
de Oxy
ee freeze
pl buggs
pl Kirej
nl aphesia
25.06.14 22:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: setupj (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3537
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


mental 0o
isnt buggs that retarted guy who always plays with lockheed?:$?
Yeah, also plays only classes where he can get dmg and still gets outdamaged by others :D
nice life lettu

edit: bnc geht nicht gg
You have € 100 on nl DRGN
Possible win: € 1082
cause you didn't play :P
they for sure missed the most useless player
hahaha man
just cant stop sucking me can you
why so much hate towards ipod :/ He is a cool guy!
haters just cant stop riding me :D
Im stating fact, that many (even some of your ET friends share), that you're completely useless player
xdddddddddd just cant stop sucking me
ahhahahahh oh man
You must be real proud to post a link of playing with a cheater
imsupahigh wasnt really banned at tzac, was he?
supahigh wasn't banned from anything, he made 2 accounts on cgac because he forgot his info on the old one, and admins wanted him to use 1 account.
Denying the past isn't good :P
easy bro
you like my config? :D
hähä :DDDDDd
let me guess everyone ramboed again? :_D
aphesia was rifle. blame aphesia and someone did it yes, I won't tell name, no it wasn't me!!!!
lolz the low skill DE tards
nice to see TAG are still shit.. at least some things never change
wtf is this Oxy
no riZla no win :D wp both