belgian poeners vs Venison Team (3137 views)

be eron
be r4pZ
be aNGER
pl Kaczor
cl hanS
de kReSti
03.07.14 16:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: eron (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 9337
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


gl BP You have € 7000 on be bp Cancel bet
Possible win: € 12950
gratz nerd.

You have € 10 on eu venison
You won € 91.8
gl jongens
gl mannen
gl boys :D tot straksjesss

kresti delivered as always lelele
too bad we couldn't choose our map after winning that cointoss :-(

real franS, brother of hanS?
hahahahaha yeah is my brothers x)

well rapz is now a far better aimer than kresti.
no, he didnt had most kills and nait is aimwise not comparable to someone like kresti.
also razz appears to be stoned or obj only, wich he can play also very well.
Just fucking watch it and look at him, he hits hs in situations where others dont... simple
man, if u would be a brother of jalo, u will shot 50 acc after month instantly. thats fucking obvious.
I think he has some secrets which he doesnt want to tell... or rather, im 100% sure of that :)
overdamaging razz or kresti isn't impressing, BUT here he was:

some people don't know shit about 3v3 even after years of gaming
some people don't know shit about 6v6 even after years of gaming
You have € 22 on eu venison
You won € 201.96

You have € 200 on eu venison
You won € 1836
You have € 7000 on be bp
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