Talented vs red as a beetroot (5671 views)

nl Thomm1e
nl Bubb9e
nl Snick
sk filuS
fi lettu
fi walle

ET 3on3 SummerCup '14
Group D
Matchweek 1

Groups - #LIKEABOSS - Rules
24.07.14 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET 3on3 SummerCup '14 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Thomm1e (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 10144
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


cheaters allowed? sad story :/
No cONY,
Quote by ChilAx*CG Banned players are not allowed in this cup.
Ye, I know but snickje cheating, I do not know he is not got banned yet
He's not on banlist so :-)
they are playing this game for like 10 years now, quit the whining.
and when base got bann.. snickje and lot of nl nerd come back :D
:DDDDDd base is not playing under a fake name man :d he did once and he had ban 30min after he played that offi.
yes base = snick aka bubb9e aka chrisbreezy aka thommie aka sebhes.
gg.. i will talk with cg admin then, thanks the info
maan, what will be your lineup vs us?
probably me gr0ss kresti
and hf constan and xtream
Cony, stop whining man... I live in the same house as Snick and i can tell you he is not cheating.. so please bust him or me ;)
Quote I live in the same house as Snick

Talented used wildcard. Schedule this before 31st of July.
lettu <3
Best maid in ET, welcome Base! Hope now maps will be clean :)
gl raab
nice to see walle back !
i mean Active .

When i started ETpro he was the first guy who i spectated.
Nice match, well played! Keep ET going!

Goodluck all.

grtz snick
Look at these nerds still caring for my ban
np base

hu cONY Thursday, 10th July 2014 13:54
and hf constan and xtream

die is vast op zijn achterhoofd gevallen en kreeg daarna nog een grote steen op
"base": iemand heb ne keer een steen op mn kop gesmeten, toen moesk naar t ziekenhuis :D
ja toch