Forward Momentum vs 'xD Trickjump, (4588 views)

ca crono
us Foreigner
ca monkey
ca Tomun
us vein
hr armaa
fi naku
nl Snickje
nl Sebhes
fi Sherclock
gb Tahmorez
24.07.14 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 5878
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


easy for xD Trickjump :)
easy for xD Trickjump :)
easy for xD Trickjump :)
easy for xD Trickjump :)
avi (even on vent)

easy for xD Trickjump :)
being the best of .55 is like being the highest grader in a special class at the end of the day youre still riding the short bus LOL
Well isn't that just bit offending?
Its ok to be jelly, i would be too in your place
Shawt Bus Shawty
Its ok, i wont say anything more cuz im still tipsy from this afternoon, gl in the war mate
I also find it funny how they always tell 2.55 high skill is shit in 2.6b. It is true that when I started playing 2.6b like 2008 or so I found it hard to aim here because boxes were totally different but after couple of weeks me and osmahe did 2v2 against high skilled players and surprise surprise they accused us of using wallhack and I can see that trend still continuing after 6 years. There is your 2.6b highskill on your fucking face!
Yeye highskill
Yeye I dont need you to believe me
Actually no one will believe such a bullshit, sadly :(
have to agree with bob.cze here
Shame, i don't need to lie or proof anything to you. Sadly I can't remember their names or team name.
Says enough :XDDDDD
And again I don't care what you think. I also know that wiesiek called me random hacker from 2.55 altho he isn't high skill but still.
Im low+ and I got called by med+ oldschool players ->cheater<-, what does that even say about anything
Tells me they are low enough to accuse you of cheating.
Arent u the guy who we holded to flag with rifles at delivery like 2008 , must have been the most booring gaming i have ever played :o
gl monkey
gl forward momentum
my loves <3333333333
Sheri got this :D gl
We got this as a team :D Thx man
You got it pretty well!!!
Well apparently we didnt go it as a team :(
go bobii <33
Foreigner performing to his best ability as usual
At least he goes beyond single digits in kills which was impossible for you in Team USA.
I never tried and always team killed on USA and got kicked out, I like to ruin it for nerds like yourself that calls out of work to play matches,specially when you trained hard more then rito with the rnade. what do you say to your boss when you call out to play ET?
Horrible excuses, just like your ET skill.
It's fun knowing how much you take ET seriously, and how much you rage over vent since the beggining of time. seeing how you're crippled, I can understand why you spend as much time as you do on the internet, you can't enjoy normal things in life
Funny how you jump from one false thing to another. Random terrible kid getting caught 3+ times and still coming back to ET because that's the only thing in his life. That same retard proceeding to tell others how serious they are about ET. Do you even comprehend that what you saying makes no sense? Then you finish with something completely random about enjoying life when you live in your mom's basement and have no job or education. Should I make a joke about you cutting my grass?

Get mad over being completely horrible at ET (not to mention caught 3+ times in a dead game) then call other people mad, I can finally see the retarded train of thought you are using. That's why you are still posting here though. It's the only thing going for you. If all this disappears, you go back to being a high school dropout that nobody gives a shit about. At least now you are that retarded cheater that got nowhere in ET even while cheating.

Oh, you should really move on from being the only person that was EVER kicked from Team USA for being completely awful. It's not the end of the world for most people. Well, maybe it is for you.
You're crazy to think i'll read any of that long rage post you did hahaha maybe someone will, so how's another friday night sitting at your computer desk treating you
Just the reply I was expecting. Enjoy that basement.
I'm glad you understand and realize that I don't read nerd rage posts that are more then a paragraph long, and if it makes you feel any more worse about the life you live, I've been moved out doing my own thing on the west coast, Just another young nigga stuntin on a old nerd stuck in one place in life do to his internet addiction.
but you just jumped from one false thing to another...
His internet addiction got him stuck in time, Too busy raging, can't focus on the important things in life
lol beaner lol
:XD:XD:XD fucking hideous bastard
u look like a fucking cancer patient
hey snitch, I don't know who you are, but from reading your comments. you seem like a huge faggot

hey faggot!
hey eclipsee, I don't know who you are, but noticing your that type of loser with gifs for comments. you seem like you cover your bedroom windows with blankets and all the letters on your keyboard is washed off with them greasy fingers
Yeah clearly I'm that type of guy who covers his windows with blankets and all the letters on my keyboard is washed off with them greasy fingers

fucking idiot, now show me your ugly mexican horse face
I haven't played et since the 10th of july, you on the other hand, got your online friends to help you hack, got banned, and still trying to sneak through admins by playing offis. you are a sad little cunt who has no room to talk when it comes to playing et.
Wow 16 days! grratz, lets celebrate it?
Another cheater sucking another cheater's dick, how typical of this community.

I don't play et anymore unless I'm needed, I'm never in 420/automatic lineup anymore

I hardly play for control unless they need a 3rd. so shut the fuck up
Yeah like i said, gratz with your 16days without ET, what did you do in the meanwhile? skype? or just being here on gamestv??
ecLipsee has composed 0 news, 213 comments, 0 threads, 0 forumposts and demanded 5 replays on

ChilAx. has composed 2 news, 1882 comments, 0 threads, 0 forumposts and demanded 101 replays on
I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this?

Member Since 23rd September 2010

I've been registered to this site maximum 4 years, and chilax only for what, 2? and you're seriously trying to point out my posts compared to his? :D you are fucking retarded
mccloud why so mad, i'm Gamestv admin, and running cups. I have to be active on gamestv. With your fake name :)
You "HAVE" to be? you don't "HAVE" to do anything, you choose to do this shit, and even then I heard from many people that you do a shit, poor job at it. if you're gonna call others nerds don't be a fucking retarded hypocrite when you CHOOSE to help a 11 year old game.

have fun sitting at your pc running those cups "lololol nerd lololol nerd lololol nerd"
You seem mad m8, lets post some photos of yourself on a 11 years old game
Since when is a video game? time for a break away that PC if you think that. and at least I have the guts to show myself unlike half of you morons here who can only make fun of looks but never show themselves :D typical PC warriors who hide behind pc making hypocritical comments. Now if you excuse me It's 26*C outside, enjoy running those cups enforcing dem rules like a white knight hero yet was banned for cheating like the hypocrite you are. cu
a lot of haters ryan m8
lol you still go on this website? nerds cant stay away from this game
Only g4mma can know when I say: LOL! ONE BIG FAT LOL.
If g4mma would have xfire logs, he would have links to prove, why I'm lol'ing.

Anyway, can't be bothered to comment any other shit. Everyone has his reason to be active somehwere, or hide behind a (fake) name/nickname.
Just don't care about it. Grow all up, and fuck some bitches in real life. Or get a gf and fuck her so silly, you'll forget this shit.
Obviously I don't fuck my GF silly, but I'm getting close to it :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
My boy bape bouta roast em
Yeah ipod bro, they can't stop sucking my dick
but i pracc very hard tho :$
holy shit sherlock is retarded
You have € 1825 on eu 'xD
You lost
Gz gl boys
too hard for xD Trickjump :(
too hard for xD Trickjump :(
Guys no need for mean words, all of us havent touched et in the last 2+ years, we are just comming back to the game
You guys will see in a few months
'xD Sherclock, [Warmup]: u guys r shit

Just shut up and fuck yourself
Yeah you never played together and stuff, already for 6months playing together(active), 1 of the most active teams and sometimes a big ego...
Dude me, seb and shaman played for last 6 months. Arma, nitro and naku/snickje et others only for max 1 month.
naku has been nerding for MONTHS, so shut the fuck up you liar.
Not with us so you shut the fuck up retard.
Because you guys never ask , thats why.
Because we play together every day for months maybe even years and we're all oldschool highskillers from 2.55 and we roll ETPro highskillers!
I'm not sure if you have reading problems or something but none of us has claimed to be highskilled nor we have claimed that we roll etpro highskillers because there aint any these days.
You're not even rolling nowadays med players
Of course we are not
"I also find it funny how they always tell 2.55 high skill is shit in 2.6b. It is true that when I started playing 2.6b like 2008 or so I found it hard to aim here because boxes were totally different but after couple of weeks me and osmahe did 2v2 against high skilled players and surprise surprise they accused us of using wallhack and I can see that trend still continuing after 6 years. There is your 2.6b highskill on your fucking face! "
idk but anim sucks dick
I don't see me saying that I'm high skilled. Maybe you should improve your reading skills but I understand you live in USA so..