promenade vs duplo (3227 views)

fi froxe
nl WeZep
tr symbol
de Ava
de kitt
29.07.14 15:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: froxe (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 1178
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Enemy Territory TV

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Viewer Peak: 7


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sorry, sold it
adäquater ersatz garantiert
nerds scared about getting rekt
If bobika is the highest fragger something wrong happened on that game,,
Still can't stop sucking that cock can you
just trying to show you how reality looks like,,
+1, indeed.....
the odds are also hilarious as fuck :D :D :D
You really think you are good aren't you?
1) Im low+
2) if froxe wouldnt be trolling idiot we would won easily
3) stop sucking that cock ipod style :x
I don't get the 3rd point sorry
You seem not to get a lot of things, sex one of them :s:s:s:s:s
Coming from a 15 years old that's not really something i'll take serious :P
Wish I was 15 to be fair
yep we saw how easily you should won...
You are trashit, as I said, shame froxe is a trolling goblin and didnt want to smash you :X

+ wezep wanted decider looool
thats wh oyu kicked me from nbs for cheating and afterwards you wanted to join our 6on6 team by declining that you kicked me...

we are just trashshit when it come to secure the gold on grush :S
I would never kick such a shit player for cheating, it was probably because you've been as usual whining about someone and you were annoying as fuck.
18:34] <kitt> why admins kick players without any reason?
[18:34] <_bobika> what
[18:34] <_bobika> ?
[18:34] <kitt> got kicked from nbs
[18:34] <_bobika> must have been rcon or some other admin then
[18:34] <_bobika> when was it,
[18:34] <_bobika> ?
[18:35] <kitt> around 5pm
[18:35] <_bobika> I wasnt there then
[18:35] <_bobika> but had PC on
[18:35] <_bobika> probably ET aswell
[18:35] <kitt> is that me>cgac an admin?
[18:36] <_bobika> Well that's me
[18:36] <_bobika> xd
[18:36] <kitt> ...
[18:36] <_bobika> warum
[18:36] <kitt> cause then you accused me for wh
[18:36] <_bobika> I didint?
[18:37] <kitt> you did... but nvm
[18:37] <_bobika> How? lol
[18:37] <kitt> chat?
[18:37] <_bobika> If I would, you would be banned by now
[18:37] <_bobika> so
[18:37] <_bobika> I wasnt there at the first place
[18:37] <_bobika> i was at my doctor :d
[18:37] <kitt> [18:35] <kitt> is that me>cgac an admin?
[18:37] <kitt> [18:36] <_bobika> Well that's me
[18:37] <kitt> so you was there
[18:37] <kitt> you even played as allies
[18:38] <kitt> ...
[18:38] <_bobika> Yeah?
[18:38] <kitt> ye
[18:38] <kitt> then you started to accuse wrath etc
[18:38] <_bobika> No?
[18:38] <_bobika> I left during bremen
[18:38] <_bobika> dunno when
[18:39] <kitt> got kicked at bremen
[18:39] <_bobika> Wasnt me man, why would I kick you i'd want to play with you ;d
[18:39] <kitt> then watch some logs
[18:41] <_bobika> didnt u play there like few mins ago
[18:42] <kitt> yes in hope i could play without instant kicked again
[18:42] <_bobika> And were u kicked again
[18:42] <_bobika> ?
[18:43] <kitt> no
[18:45] <_bobika> ;)
if i remember correctly one of the reasons why your team lost adler was because you had full when we took the objective :)
furthermore if we took gr more serious you would have lost that map (and it was still close you slimy maggot) and thus you would have lost the war 4-0
Wezep wanted decider, hence the full + froxe still almost trolled you XDDDDD
but yeah, we were weri sirius gaymerz!
we are to low for bobika, deal with it