n1ce.it vs violence is bad (5305 views)

it mama
at sick
at xet
nl axel
si sAw
pt setup
13.04.08 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET SW 3v3 OpenCup Spring 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mamalukes (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 9011
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ISIgame.net#tv1 - isigame.net
By: rio_ (ettvd)

de VagrantS.ETTV1
By: MiC` (ettvd)
de VagrantS.ETTV3
By: MiC` (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 56


1st \o/ I(@%(U(UISJOGJ :D:D :D:D::::DD

np4 mama
tba new maus!

nl axel
se tba
se tba
why is tba always from sweden :7 ?
4vs1, np4 mama ! LOOl
easy for the cheators!
I heard eC4 has a joke line up full of busted hackers and random nonames new talents, is that true?
anywayz, gl both :)
vegeta pwnage cmon gl!
gl axel
You have € 164 on vib
Possible win: € 364.08

comon axel show what u got !! : D
ezi 4 axel
GL axel <3!!
lolz im sure mama will fail :XD, btw nice fuckup maps
gl n1ce 8D
gl setup =d
mama is the best!!!!!!
btw, gl axel, mama!
go go go sAw
axel the pooner?
ez for willemHook!
He doesn't need to use one! I has etx like you, but I'm not the one using it :))):)
n1ce selfbust
Ofc you dont use one, u suck.
hehe willemhook :DDD
where`s vegeta? omg
go go sAw :*** :)
atsick = fail
atsick > mama`s fail
You have € 16 on it n1ce
You lost
You have € 20 on vib
You won € 55.6

thnx <3
n1ce 0:4 vib
n1ce fail ._.
im gonna sk irl now , bibuy
nice axel :D
You have € 15 on vib
You won € 41.7
You have € 54 on eu vib
You won € 150.12

nice epic fail at 3on3 :'(
You have € 100 on vib
You won € 278
OMGz, lost 250€ cuz of the cheating cunt axel :[ E-DRAMA!
bla bla no proofs so stfu retard