Forward Momentum vs LIKE A BOSS (3809 views)

ca Tomun
ca trancE
ca bN
us Joker
us Foreigner
be eron
fr Snatix
be ChilAx
nl Enigma
fi dTEC7
nl adeto
01.08.14 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 2121
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


man y u makin me play against nerds who play all day
hey man thats not the kind of attitude we're looking for around here
would it be better if i sold my car and other shit to go to a LAN? it would show proper dedication and atittude to this game
it's not like you accomplished anything when you were playing all day yourself anyway, so why does it matter?
shots fired
man u got alerts on ur phone for when i post on gtv? that was literally 30 seconds after i posted, kill urself nerd
yeah I get auto-notified every time insecure morons pretend to be cool on the internet
weird nerd man u prob on ur break @ subway
ya man i prob on ma break yo cuz dats wat i do nigga
makin sandwiches for a living, what a good life. oh well the world needs ppl like u to be the food makin bitch
yep, and thanks to you as well since I'd be out of a job if there weren't fatties like yourself around to eat all my sandwiches
everyone has to eat, which is why the food industry is always going to be steady, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a minimum wage and a shit career. u better keep going to nerd LAN events and hopefully winning graphics cards to pay ur rent or ul be on the street suckin dick pretty soon
I make way more than minimum wage and work with a bunch of teenage girls, you jelly?
and i bet they feel disgusted when u around them, they probly scared of yo awkwardness and pale skin
yeah they make me feel so bad that as soon as I get home from work I go on GTV and make fun of people for still playing a game that I used to play every day

oh wait lol
How was comic-con dressing up as an ET player ohurcool?
trance nigga you gay as fuck
nigga ur cosplaying as x-mas tristana on a daily basis LOL
I know spelling is tough for you high school dropouts, but it's called quakecon
Same shit, the only place where nerds feel comfortable and at home, The only time you can hold a 10 minute conversation, but the only down fall it's only about video games, and when that's over you guys just stare at each other.
won a $150 graphics card in a QL tournament, you jelly?
thats like 3 weeks of payment for you huh
3 months actually cause I'm so poor and stuff lol

does it bother you that I won more in 1 night of video gaming than you have in years of it?
no why would it i make that a day lol i understand thats a huge prize for minimum wage though keep doing you
What a nerd, playing tournaments with prizes pffff
That's not even a full 2 days of working money,I carry more in my pocket on the regular,but I know that means the world to you nerds with pc parts. So let me get this straight, You waited a year of working at subway to take your vacation time to go to quakecon? Please hang yo self
confirmed jelly
Wasted a years worth of minimum wage vacation time, to visit quake con, I'm now convinced you're the biggest loser to be on the internet. What did you tell your job when you wrote down the date for vacation?
it really was his vacation lol sandbag showed me it he also be trying to get at peaches he a loser lol
a loser will never understand he's a loser because it's the life they know and live by. You can only blame the parents for getting him a computer and not stopping him when they found him playing at 3 in the morning every night as a kid
phokuz nigga you gay
joker nigga you gay too
told my boss I was going to quakecon, what else? I guess you're the kind of guy who doesn't feel comfortable admitting to people in real life that you play video games, especially when you have nothing to show for it :(

it's okay bud, maybe next year you can come with me and we'll tell everyone we're just going to the beach or some other cool place instead!
You missed the point of everything, I didn't expect a nerd like yourself to understand how big of a loser you are to wait a whole year to take your vacation to quake con. You could have bought a car or something apartment.. anything that's needed in life, but you spent about half a years worth of money on quake at 30 years old. You missing the big picture,it's about your priorities in life
actually it wasn't until about 6 months ago that I first even considered going, and why would I buy another car?

Quote by ohurcoolconfirmed jelly
it's almost the same as saving up for a car, selling it, then going to LAN. except anim didnt actually do that LOL
lmfao get em nigga owned dat shit lol
jon nigga you gayer than anim and crono combined
no u
LOL i bet u would put pillows in your high heels if you could midget ass just so you get to the perfect height of my nuts fuck u sem brahhhh
150$? mhmm from NY to TX to get dropped on the 1st round and get that bs as consolation seems fair but all in all you would have made more money making sandwich for trance :P
won it in the grand final of a BYOC tournament actually, and I didn't go to make money
pls only snatix plays all day everyone else is inactive as fuck
i know u play all day look @ ur gtv history
says mr.2000 hours on cs :s
Only reason I'm playing is to attempt knifekill on foreigner, that's all really.
please nerd everyone knows you play all day check gtv history
Same shit, the only place where nerds feel comfortable and at home, The only time you can hold a 10 minute conversation, but the only down fall it's only about video games, and when that's over you guys just stare at each other.
I don't even know how to check my gtv history :(
Don't lie!!!!! Everyone does that!!
GL to my nigga rito, foreigner and schnatiX
rito isn't playing, came to ventrilo to say that he's going to have sex ;(
Comments on this page:

You have € 50 on be BOSS
You won € 73

You have € 150 on us )>>(
You lost

Boobika low
Yeah, sorry. Couldn't handle yanks trolling
Wp nikowm8
Yo lets all get together and start a fundraiser for sems new stilts
lIKE A BOSS: dtect :D (wp)
lmfaooooo fucking nerds
yo hhaahhha too bad i missed that with foreigner and trance out we would have shat on these shady ass dark alley nerds