LIKE A BOSS vs Double Dutch Dragons (4655 views)

be aNGER
be ChilAx
nl Constan
be eron
de Kenjii
be r4pZ
pt s3TUP
pt Roth
nl esSe
nl Enigma
gb clarkee
fi toNi
05.08.14 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: setupj (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5315
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


might need a merc, leave a msg to me/bnc on irc.
can we play this 1 hour later? got SC 3on3 game @ 21CET
we can try to find another offi after we play this so y can play after ;-)
nice life constan hahahahahaha
Iam looking forward to my comeback @ gamestv
With cheats or without? Since you dont have to use anticheat nowadays
Iam going for something special tonight.

Iam clean btw, you shithead
(where is nbs btw? :XA:D:AD:A:D)
[16:24] Constan: stuur je wallhack
[16:25] <Requesting file transfer. Waiting for response>
[16:25] <File transfer ETbot completed>
[16:25] Constan: thanks
[16:25] Niick: np, rape ze

wat ben jij een kneusje, echt niet meer normaal nerdje
go rapz go!
3 drgn's + 3 eraser's worst combo ever :XD
gl roth:* and mr setuper xoxo
esse also :) ave hodor
way too easy for tony
hahahah aNGER and constan fucking nerds praccing on pub giving comms on teamspeak

gl chilax
hahahah stuk stront XDDDD echt een nerdje jij
i came to pub, asked him if he wants to play 3o3 and he said to me that he's playing with anger, I was like wtf? and he said that anger is in axis.... gege
guess what I was doing XD tip: engineer XD
Dankuuuu :D
gg wp
You have € 100 on be BOSS
You won € 151


scores fucked up :-(
You have € 1000 on be BOSS
You won € 1510