serenitis 3on3 vs 'xD Trickjump, (3300 views)

pl Suro
pl suvin
nl kARMA
fi naku
nl Sebhes
fi Sherclock
19.08.14 15:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Suuuro (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 1021
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 20


gl subak!
karma bro, why u do dis
so mr admin.. your time to shine...

and funny how people on ettv are laughin about suro and suvin but nobody has the guts to say anything in public.. well i wouldn't matter anyway (n-plane), right mr. admin?

and karma should take a shower after that match to wash all the dirt away...
I said it before the match..

I dont say they're cheating now since cba speccing them, but who are they? XD
Bust incoming:D
He got cgac now :***
xD without cgac
What you except with that shit program which doesnt work
ur prob soz...
:D I think its more likely admins problem bringing us anti cheat which doesnt work
My cgac and my teammates work,cgac of sebhes work,si it's bullshit MAN
karma was without cgag :p whine what u want idc, u were shit and u lost
[12:42] <jep4ka> wez vierego i suro
[12:42] <jep4ka> i jebim :P
[12:42] <Sawa> to tak suro low-
[12:42] <Sawa> jebim nie znam

btw. nice rating - 2 stars "nice match"
Viewer Peak: 20

two stars delivered
Status: Cancelled

Nicely done , cant imagine how your life would end up if you lost those ladder points ... EWWWWWWWWWW..

jätkät vinettää ku viimistä päivää, silti jäivät ite kiinni koodaamisesta eilen :D tää suvin on aika hilpee jätkä kattoo :-)
sinähän tässä koodaamisesta vinetät joka pelissä kun sua vastaan joutuu pelaa , l2p
en mä iha tosissaa oo ollu :D mut vaikka näi :DD
He got CGAC now lads