Hodor vs overrated-us (6630 views)

fi vokki
fi SR
nl esSe
de Kenji
be eron
us Joker
ca Tomun
ca monkey
ca Empty
ca rito
de sNoOp
22.08.14 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: IGLA (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 8696
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


with that lineup I'm predicting another L for Tomun n co
nawet najniższy gracz w tej drużynie jest dwa razy tak dobre, jak jesteś
najz almost correctly ;D
" almost correctly " LOL
15,1317:25   IGLA            14• also things like ddosing, wallhacking etc its 2nd case


busted cheater accusing someone of cheating, Welcome to ET bind by zodiac needed :(
am i cheater? was i ever busted? r u totally lost your mind?:) didnt want you to play with hodor and u start acting like maniac, wtf goin on people its just game in case u cant understand that simply thing. bless
No, Im just sad because you call me a cheater :(

And yes, you've been busted before, stop denying the past :P
Stop hitting that f5 man
Bored and sick at home, what else to do
lol still mad you got shit on by us in NC? And then your fat fuck loser ass got caught cheating in a game you were dumping 50 hours a week in? How does it feel to know your the biggest waste of life in ET history?
is this comment is for me or for bobika ?;d
LOL damn where did that come from? Seems like you are the one that have not let that go yet, maybe next NC you can finally advance to playoffs=D
u just made my eyes bleed
r u totally lost your mind?:)
something like that yes xD
fucking cheater
ohurcool Today 04:09 real nicknames please or make sure they add the missing players @ CG
swanidius the ultrabrain got this
some of the heaviest NA players all on one team, just missing trance. My boy brandon shoulders gonna be hurtin from all that belly fat
Joe drive down to SoCal, I got some private reserve that's got your name written all over it
why am i not surprised esse is playing
wow, Snoopi is there o.o GL
wheres my german tag
server 4 this?
server 4 this?
hf eron
Gl eron
LOL that loss on supply NOPE

poor joker put work in
NA #1
Lady Macbeth sNoOp^7rated 102 kills
shit ass gamestv fucked up my stats again i should be 11k plus
my son snoops the only euro with a free NA pass
no woott no win
who is this snoop a newcomer and most dmg must be a hacker *kappa
Its not even an asslicking
no im just trying to be that stupid as u or kitt its kinda hard :S
junge wenn du wat willst dann komm halt zu mir und labere den drecks türken ned voll...
nen polake der die deutsche Einrichtugnen ausnutzt.. um sich danach wieder den Autodiebstahl zu widmen.. naja gg
czemu te pajace graja z tym igla ktory jest rzadki jak barszcz... masakra co to sie dzieje na tej scenie chyba wroce zajebac pare hedow tym klaunom
robimy reaktywacje ? dawaj pokazemy temu klaunowi co to jest ET
hodor co za kurwy lowy :XD oni na takich pingach i wygrali pozdrawiam ^^ :D
co tu dużo gadać, yes igi no win
snoop : -o
no wlasnie na takim pingu, nie da sie ich trafic, a jak dobrze wiesz juz na 90 pingu wchodza ci ladne lotto heady wystarczy trzymac celownik na jednym poziomie i lazic na slepo, po drugie nigdy nie widzialem Cie w formacie 6v6 i ciekawi mnie jakbys sobie poradzil na takie opo albo i slabsze, pierdoli i pierdoli a replaye od 9 rano hodoru oglada :DDD gg
You have € 45 on us ^Rated
You won € 78.75
igiel juz 3miechy napierdala 24/7 i dalej przepierdala mecze :D no jest moc xD
kjerwa, dwa dni w tygodniu wolne a napierdalam po 24/7 jak ja to robie?

odpowiedz wysylac na e-mail.
eMail Address: hidden

No can do!
naprawde? nawet Ty
ale ja tylko chcialem ulatwic innym zycie ;(
Blad. Ulatwilbys, udostepniajac moj email z cybergamera
tak jak lekarze skladaja przysiege Hipokratesa, tak my skladamy przysiege Killerboy'a, nie moge tego zrobic!
2 dni w tygodniu wolne od et czyli tylko 5 dni grania w tygodniu, masz racje.
Co jak co ale wytykani ilosci godzin spedzonych nad gierka w twoim wykaniu jest nie na miejscu
Przeciez Ci ludzie zyja w jakies ciezkiej paranoi, nawet nie warto jest tego komentowac, z dnia na dzien zdaje sobie sprawe ze juz mnie nic nie zdziwi w tych komentarzach na moj temat, biorac pod uwage, ze z wiekszoscia z nich nigdy w zyciu nie zamienilem nawet slowa, ciekawi mnie ogrom informacji, ktore te pryszcze posiadaja zreszta jebac hodor hodor
Zapiej goryl!