#erAse.et Runo<3 vs phase (8108 views)

gb clarkee
nl esSe
fi toNi
de Oxy
fi BossHK
nl SQuid
lv Clown
ee mata
gb razz
gb crmbs
gb koop
sk filuS

ET 6on6 SummerCup '14
UB - Semi-Final

Brackets - #LIKEABOSS - Rules
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET 6on6 SummerCup '14 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: ChilAx. (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 34771
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Video Streams
By: MerlinatoR
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 5

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 43

Overall Viewerpeak: 48


gl boys!
gl esse :)
gl esse & Boss
go go go phase <3
gl Sartax. You are the best!
You have € 70 on eu eA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 415.1

gogo esse
yeah esse totally got this, like always
koop do you wanna playm8?
gl essem8
gl essem8
gl esse boi
Huge thumbs up to merlinator talking about MAP picks and ET being boring to watch nowadays.
id find it boring to watch ettv too if i watched it everyday for hours like you
I watched maybe 2 ettv matches recently... yet you are still looking there and replying to every comment I make :(

how sad are you, go out maybe
You're telling me to go out while you rot at your desk all day. Fsho good looking out I appreciate it
lol gg esse you owe me 70e what the fuck
wp squid
You have € 1337 on fr phase
You won € 1791.58
game replay now on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da2ef-pYLbk