fnatic vs Titan (4033 views)

se pronax
se olofm
se JW
se KRiMZ
se flusha
fr apEX
be Ex6TenZ
ch Maniac
fr kennyS
Group Stage
Best Of 1


Titan's line-up is still unclear, NBK and SmithZz seem to be in Mercenary's line-up.
It should be apex Maniac for their last as I heard. Not sure tho
afaik scream also left titan thats what he said once in his stream
fr apEX
be Ex6TenZ
ch Maniac
fr kennyS
omg omg omg
Not really, only decent line-up seems to be Mercenary xD
Agreed. Let me rephrase:
omg omg omg Titan what have you done omg omg omg

I hope they know what they are doing - I mean, all the French teams. Well, they probably do, but I don't get it :)
From what I heard there was so huge drama between them and they had no choice but to split to avoid conflicts or something like that. If they can't manage to set any teamplay they'll get rekt so fucking hard
kennyS, apEX and KQLY in the same team, thats fucking awful
nova 3 talk 8)
strange, I can't remember you being any good at a fps expect when you cheated. And still you weren't good at all.
Don't be jealous because you can't get above DMG
not bad with only 200h :(
It is
608 wins to reach GE, don't talk about being bad :((((

even zAAba reached it faster
provok arrete de rager , pas de ta faute si il est meilleur que toi :D!
va sucer des bites ailleurs toi, t'es nul sur tout les jeux que tu touches.

alé salu
You have € 250 on fr Titan
Possible win: € 1127.5

izi skins incoming
Titan won't take this one
tant de rage chez toi ! ne prend pas ton cas pour une généralité
Je préférais l'époque ou tu me suçait pour jouer avec nous sur ET, ça me manque, j'ai plus ma petite gâterie quotidienne :(