phase vs TAG (9485 views)

lv Clown
ee night
gb razz
gb crmbs
gb sqZz
sk filuS
nl aphesia
nl Lightning
gb med1xza
se NuggaN
de mental

ET 6on6 SummerCup '14
UB - Final

Brackets - #LIKEABOSS - Rules


Have to be played beforre 22nd of September! (schedule it asap pls)
just a word of warning to phase guys, 21st will be an RTCW ODC so I wouldn't be able to cast/they wouldn't be able to play in it ;)
tag will win cuz kresti
Where is phyziC :(
tagsartax quit dont you know??
gl nubs
You have € 571 on phase
Possible win: € 993.54
Enjoy your 10 euro mate!
fucking shit cunts
You have € 73 on eu TAG
You won € 121.91


Who da fucks this anyway
Winning Percentage 69 %

go go phase
goooo mental <3 but think sqz n co be too strong
TAG izi
All in or nothing.
You have € 79000 on eu TAG
Possible win: € 83740

not so good bet for profit :s
go TAG i mean sartax, i mean TAG.. no wait... TAG, yes TAG.. no sartax.. yeah sartax, sartax.... no TAG... GO!
gl phase
avi for phase
avi for TAG lol
avi for TAG lol , im amazing
wp TAG
said aphesia most dmg, lightning most spam kills and nait mvp

2 out of 3, predictable :s
that sartax guy did it best, unexpected gameplay, so nice hits. well played.
feels weird not to be dissapointed
sqZz rolled
You have € 4500 on eu TAG
You won € 7515

expected :D
guys if you need me belgian boss is ready to roll just poke me on facebook
what happened to et :*(