MASCULINE MANS vs violence is bad (6669 views)

20.04.08 20:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2008 | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Adlernest | |
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![]() By: andyF1 (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: wAyne (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 64
Viewer Peak: 64

battle of the etx's
violence is busted
why dont you just boycott them
because it would be very hypocritical since Mind was on the same list
why dont you kick mind?
because i know he doesnt use it in wars
he doesnt even have it anymore - havent had in ages
he doesnt even have it anymore - havent had in ages
k gl :) 2bad 3 of them are busted for it and still using it imo :D
not rly
funny that they believe you
funny that you are still not banned..
why should i been banned? im not on the etx list or any other list. though you should be banned cause you cheated on pub and admitted it, even if its a non-pb server, its still 6 months ban.
because they hack aswell
GL masculine! My money on mind's ETX ;>
ETX :> Gonna spec axel/barn:)
gl ipkiss & Andeh
nice cheaters in both teams, vib has more cheaters so they prolly win :D
lisää näitä
Barney and Manix'll play?
"violence is bad"...Cheat too
may the team with the best etx settings win
we dont even have an etx :-(
Watch out for Andeh I heard he's uber pro sick insane best UK rifler around
you have.. mind is etx 2bad
He isnt..
he doesnt even have it anymore - havent had in ages
and we have to take ur word for it? :/
you believe what you want to believe
but seriously, everyone who specced him tonight could see he didn't cheat :-)
but seriously, everyone who specced him tonight could see he didn't cheat :-)
hahaha vib a cheters :)
isnt mind busted ?
"The following suspensions for this account have expired."
actually I was talking about his ETX bust...
he was busted and he leaked the bot out too...
no ban atm = can play
no ban atm = can play
np CB
Lineup will be
"because axel only tried ETX once in a non PB server cause he got it free" hes not kicked.

"because axel only tried ETX once in a non PB server cause he got it free" hes not kicked.
ok nice attitude gl toni !
ah sure np and gl then
fair enough
well..if you play with mind you should not whine about axel..both are on the same list...both should not play imo
im fine with Axel playing
i hope this is a joke
sounds like keNta v2
kenta didnt get it for free!
he used it on ettv on an etpro war in a competitive game
mans will win
masculine m ftw!
Taking sexclick is a great move :DDDD
replacing a cheater with another one, awesome
You are fuckin funny, he isn't a cheater
Cheater meeting all the way.
go setup and krone <3 : D
"gl cheaters who only used hax for publics"
plz dont even start with myth6s in your team
And how long did you play with manix?
1 cheater per team allowed, where this game has gone to....
2 players in private cheat list, not just random cvar yawn busts or whatever, still np for both teams (ye i know you know they dont cheat and tried it only once on public)
fucking pathetic, saying ET=DEAD makes a new sense now
2 players in private cheat list, not just random cvar yawn busts or whatever, still np for both teams (ye i know you know they dont cheat and tried it only once on public)
fucking pathetic, saying ET=DEAD makes a new sense now
lol, just random mails, no red triangles
best excuse I ve ever heard
vib will win.
toNi > ETX
gl Helsinki city boy!
gl Helsinki city boy!
gl m_m, izi bash
Huh? What?
vib keeps playin with axel after there busted? :\
same goes for Mind, stfu already with that..
Mind busted some years ago for pub cheating. So he is already suffered his CB bans. "Mind leaked the bot, details, login, he would like to say he only tested it a few times on pub, and got cb banned for that, and gave the bot to bulld0g. danke". Learn to read xfire.
u too fuckface
GL sAw, 4$ on you
gL v!b
Axel will not be playing for us.
Why not?
isnt the reason obvious ;)
Nope, I don't care if someone test a bot once in a non-pb server? or has an account at ETX forums.
he did more, fo sho.
he did more, fo sho.
I talked to him about bots n stuff about 4 months ago.. He told me lots things I didn't know, he also sended me an ETX if I wanted to look the code.
Dunno, wasn't arsed to do much with it..
erm he payed for the bot but aint used it >.<
gl andeh, where is krone? :(
gl crtHook.dll
Masculine_mans lost @ 3on3 OC so they have bad moral atm... easy bash for vib
go go sAw & tONI :** :)
skore ?
4-0 masc
about this match I can say that cheaters allways win :)
when will they unban you from ESL? :)
Thought M&M were looking for new 6th because of Mind and stuff but he still played or did i missed something ?
he is allowed to play but as far as I know they are lookin for new rifle..
M mans ofc!