credibilis. vs wiSe-guys (4693 views)

de s1LENT
fr yokoo
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pl hunter
pl WuT

ET 3on3 SummerCup '14
UB - Final

Brackets - #LIKEABOSS - Rules
22.09.14 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET 3on3 SummerCup '14 » Matchlink
Manager: ChilAx. (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 20387
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 43


Have to be played before 29th of September (no wildcards allowed)
ChilAx, why isn't this a 2star match?

I mean I know 3-star isn't just 3-star like it used to be, but looking at the current active teams/players and their skill I think this match should be 2 star and Phase vs TAG should be a 3 star match (judged on today's state of Enemy Territory)
edit; As you know this is the Upperbracket final as well.

What do you think?
it is not like he can change it ;)
I am not familiar with how the ratings are placed, sorry.

I thought the placer or admin could set the rating, please correct me if I'm wrong or aware me :)

Also; good luck in this match, expecting a good one.
did you talk with those germans? idk if they know its tonight, but you still have 1 week to play this.
hä silent nerd want to play it today?
Cred please play, odds are so good atm.
dont bet on us tho we are going to loose :p
Kresti pls..

What about vs Phase?
no gr0ss no win
chyba mozna ´... zobaczymy :DD
to daj znac godzine przed
mozna grac ale nie wiem czy mam 3ciego
bedzie bedzie :XD
15 po ok? jeden jeszcze nie jest w domu
all in cre!
kresti Monday, 22nd September 2014 16:39
dont bet on us tho we are going to loose :p

You have € 5 on de cre. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 16.3

I like to live dangerously
You also like to spam the crap out of this site
DelTorro has composed 95 comments
timbolina has composed 3592 comments
nejm has composed 4762 comments

im not blaming anyone for spam
just kidding, stop spamming this site or timbolina will make ur face uglier than his own.
Country: Poland.
don't speak to nejm like that, his comments are very accurate here, he'll teach u how to spot cheaters and how to troll someone.
Roro roro jest po za kontrolą. Hf lejemy Lejemy to !
You have € 1000 on de cre.
You lost
next time i will warm up just for you my lovely swani <3
You have € 1500 on de cre.
You lost. fuck you joris :(
vu comme ça nerd en face cétait pas un safe bet :[
:( tkt c'est pour toutes les fois où tu m'as fait gagné de la tune <3
You have € 250 on pl wiSe
You won € 367.5 :D
You have € 700 on pl wiSe
You won € 1029

expected, no gr0ss no win
You have € 3250 on pl wiSe
You won € 4777.5

izi :D
You have € 2500 on pl wiSe
You won € 3675