'xD Trickjump, vs Forward Momentum (5997 views)

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Sebhes (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
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Total Pot: € 6000
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Video Streams
By: szczurek
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: TS sounds
By: MerlinatoR
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 37

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16

Overall Viewerpeak: 53


watch out 'xD Trickjump anim is practicing day and night for this match
lmao, trickjump anim..? you mean when he's jumping randomly and shooting down on them while he's in mid air?
no the team they are facing is xd trickjump you clown
hahahahaah holy jeez, i just wanted to rip on brandon i guess! fuck you brandon! <3
anim gets enough shit from me cut that boy some slack
did this short ass nigga just say holy jeez
come teamkill him and call him shit afterwards
bN king
wheres the dream of having a full north american team? have you forgotten your duty to build a squad using the finest players of our great (best) continent? this is why i reclaim that the player under the aliases of "Webe" be thrown out to the oubliette and i shall replace this curse that has fallen upon our crew by playing rnade twice as good as he'll ever be in 100x less time spent playing with this weapon
that was a good speech bro
holy fuck did tomun's inner sense get a hold of you? you're fucked up.
my son palemki breath like a north american, but this webe guy looks at us with a lazy eye, purify our team by getting rid of the infidels
hshshshs these canoe head lookin ass niggas dont know they left the stove on
1st european comment
2nd european comment
Baw sie dobrze szczurek palemki! :)
I'll be a bit late for the game, like 10 mins or something.
You have € 250 on eu 'xD
Possible win: € 727.5

izi again
goodluck bellend!!<3
replay of the stream now on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w31OS68VT4k