wiSe-guys vs credibilis. (5810 views)

pl Abject
pl hunter
pl WuT
de s1LENT
fr yokoo

ET 3on3 SummerCup '14
Grand Final
1st Match

de credibilis. has to win twice!

Brackets - #LIKEABOSS - Rules


gl yokoo & WuT
where gr0ss :o
HF NERDS. Patrick.exe loaded
skilled merc avi
skilled merc avi
easy dla nerdów :D
gl my friends <3
You have € 500 on pl wiSe
You lost bb E :CCCCCCCCCC
what is this shit gg
You have € 1000 on de cre.
You won € 3050 thanks bro!
I was close to my guess btw, haha
yokoo power!!
replay of the stream on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GMtRkI-dyM

will hopefully catch the second final when it is played too :)