CrazY Elite vs Elite Backshooters (3334 views)

pl BoBo
pl M4xt0R
pl no0b
pl Omex
pl Mts
cz Green_Clon
cz ResPjeee
cz Martan
cz UwFilter
cz Zapp-ik
sk D.C.
20.04.08 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2008
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: Santi (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 2520
The bets are closed.

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gl Green_Clon
omfg pls^^
You have € 50 on cz eb Cancel bet
Possible win: € 94

gl boObo
gogo EB
GL Boboo ;]
easy for CrazY Elite !!! <3 PL
Czech traitor and cheater speaking...
copak porad te sere ze si nezahrajes ESL?:)
hej ty si fakt tupec :-D
to rika ten pravej:D
ale mne je naky ESL a CB a dalsi kraviny u řite
tak tady porad neukazuj svoji ubohost a jdi si jednu plesknout za roh! Uvedom si ze to delas pro sebe
izi 4 eb
tak tak jestem zajebiaszczy
GL eb dal jsem na vas svoje posledni prachy:-P
respje gl :)
gl green_clon
gl kurwy polskie adhd <3
You have € 26 on pl CrazY Cancel bet
Possible win: € 44.9

go chuopaku Z ADEHADE ! :)
adhd "fajny" jestes :XD
adhd jest fajny i nie ma chuja we wsi xD
xD jestem fajny
škoda, že to nastavoval zase nakej kokot co neumí nastavit zápasy a nejde pridat ettv
broken ettv, pb failure kick all the time... (for everyone)
pb kicks everyone with cheats =)
2-2 :D
4:2 :D:D:D:D

You have € 50 on cz eb
Possible win: € 126
You have € 149 on cz eb
Possible win: € 375.48
4-2 for?
for eb sure ;)
You have € 100 on eb
Possible win: € 252

thnx :>
omg my money D:
its not sure D:
i am sorry for your money,next time bet rather on eb ;-P
thanks for info ^_^
i will try =]
what the fuck?!

Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

omg! match was already played and because we won it was cancelled? uh?
omg my money, give me my € 252 ;[
yeah,itf for complaint!
omfg rofl omexx !!!!!!!
probably omex bet on Crazy elite XD
OMEX : 20.04 20:30 CrazY Elite pl 1.66 vs. 2.52 cz Elite Backshooters 30 € on pl CrazY Bet was cancelled