WINNERMANS vs turbot (5663 views)

pl jiN
pl nejm
pl tramp
nl iNsAne
fi Statti
fi Swanidius
fi vokki

CyberGamer EU ET Season 2
3on3 Division 1
Group A

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26.10.14 19:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 2: 3on3 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 8934
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


We will use wildcard.
swani !hf nejm
Aby dolaczyc do listy autoryzowanych fanow nalezy zlozyc podanie z prosba i motywacja, nalezy dolaczyc takze cv oraz oplate rekrutacyjna. Wniosek zostanie rozpatrzony w terminie 6 miesiecy od zlozenia podania, a w przypadku decyzji odmownej oplata rekrutacyjna zostaje wliczona w koszty obciazenia samego serwera owym wnioskiem oraz w czas potrzebny na przeanalizowanie informacji w nim zawartych. Kolejny wniosek skladac mozna w terminie nie krotszym niz 12 miesiecy od daty odrzucenia poprzedniego podania.
jest takie staropolskie przyslowie pewnie ktorego nie znasz :) a brzmi ono "kto swiruje ten ma gleboka dziore " wiec hf cipeczko :D
dziure sie pisze ziaaa
jaro jebal pies jak ;p grunt ze ma to sens XD
GL turbot

turbots, any ideas when u can play it?
today? tomorrow?
good answer
 vokki Saturday, 18th October 2014 12:17
We will use wildcard
So why did u wildcard it since we have to play it till next monday or smth?
Today/tomorrow is ok for me, no idea about other winnerfags
u our last oppo good tactic to use wildcard while we can!
It was supposed to be played on the last matchweek which ended on monday so now we have till next monday because we used wildcard.
The fifth matchweek (Monday 20th - Monday 27th) is the last matchweek actually, so you still have not only these wildcarded/rescheduled matches but also your regular fifth matchweek matches to play.
tommorow would be better tho
We can't tomorrow, today 18.30 or 19cet?
No players today gg
cu sunday!
Im not avi whole weekend.
cu whenever u guys are avi
you hear the man, there is no backup player the whole weekend so game cant be played cus no backup you know its like, fuck logic
Inb4 nl wrecktor owning hard but kanker lucky saves turbot 4:0 for themggbb.
sunday is good
19cet is ok for you?
Would be better if u move ur next game to 19 cet and play agaist us 20cet.
Not possible because of BOSS vs RAAB
great now nejm is playing 1st division since m1tja and myself are not playing anymore.
there's no etlegends division for us anyway.
sit down you'll only stand a chance if the dutchie is playing
Inb4 random lowskilled cheaters thinking they are abled to talk about skills xd
rekt :D 10/10
And if jin is playing ofcourse;))
I like you
Suck it harder up to the time he will show u the secret tips making ur aim looking like an aimbot.
if by "secret" you mean brain and skill, i dont have to tell him, he already know. You however, take seat.
i'll be watching you tramp & abbadabba!
You have € 5000 on eu w1ns
Possible win: € 8950
: )
insane u should have stayed :(
nazty bylby lepszy, ten to by i ice wygral jakby chcial.
ok wypierdalaj
nejm wstalem i chcialem klaskac ale niestety (znowu) przegrana xD
A co to sie stao?? Czemu muj miszczu nie grales?? Bez Cb to nie ten sam tim :/
sorry bro wish i would have been more of an help
np :D Thanks for playin anyway !
Gg guys nl strongly supported in winnermans as it should be