wiSe-guys vs credibilis. (8902 views)

pl Abject
pl hunter
pl WuT
de s1LENT
fr yokoo

ET 3on3 SummerCup '14
Grand Final
2nd Match

Link to the first match

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24.11.14 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET 3on3 SummerCup '14 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: ChilAx. (Generaladmin)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 16319
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34


kill em again kresti
hf yokoo silent
You have € 110 on pl wiSe Cancel bet
Possible win: € 295.9
ET 3on3 SummerCup '14
grand final? where winnermans?
Ich spiel nen Summercup auch immer im Winter
<WuT> so if they can't play it earlier
<WuT> just force it at this date
tu penses le jouer un jour se match yko? :D
jattends que tu reviennes de londres :D
ca sera pour la summercup'15 alors :D
jte l'enregistre en vhs alors :s
Parfait je vais pouvoir la garder à vie :)
ET 3on3 SummerCup '14

u lazy bastards
Hf both
How is it in Roeselare? Found a job already? ^^
admins of this "summer cup: november edition" must have some good organisation skills

looking forward to sign-up for winter cup of those guys in May
come bhad
Started with 3 admins, but did everything alone :) and yeah the final was planned for somewhere in september, but with the wildcards it was 19 october and they played the first final on 19th of october, but they didnt scheduled the 2nd final. And Summer ended 21st of September :) cheers
You did everything alone, sick.
yea chilax fault that teams cant get a date in weeks..
What the german said
co tam wariat ?! kiedy comeback ? :XD
zdrajca :D
zajebiscie rejsik, sie zyje powolutku! a wy co tam walczycie w gierunie jeszcze, jest na kogo grac w ogole? xd
zamknij paszcze bo oberwiesz
well atleast he is hosting a cup which is more useful than you commenting everywhere only to flame (you made me laugh tho hëhë)
what the french said
WuT, odpusc juz sobie :D
credibilis still in that game, even with that francais guy
did you mean "thanks to" instead of "even with" :PPPppPPpp
If you guys can arrange this for 20cet, merlinator can stream, otherwise he can't :) gl hf
easy for s1LENT
GL WuT, karaj Abj..hunter dmg i do Mycia xD
You have € 500 on pl wiSe
Possible win: € 1150

pls abject
You have € 1500 on pl wiSe
You won € 3450

all planned
You have € 140 on pl wiSe
You won € 322

allahu akbar
lose on braundorf? life nice
ouais bah je veux meme pas le voir en vhs mdr :D
nuub va!!!
upload me manque
mdrr, c'est pas comme si tu avais joué avec des low non plus:D
You have € 28 on pl wiSe
You won € 64.4
I casted a gtv replay, just for funs :) up on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLELF7Ql2WE