Electrostatic Discharge vs Double Dutch Dragons (7874 views)

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us TheEnd
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fi Webe
pl WuT
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pl loCkheed
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pl BloOdje
pl meehow

CyberGamer EU ET Season 2
6on6 Division 1
Upper Bracket Quarter Finals

Bracket - #cg.et - Rules


electro is an fagits
sztampowe :)
Goo go iipod
You have € 800 on nl DRGN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 9344

fake bets more!
It's not fake, people are just coming to terms with the fact that USA #1.
U$A #1. Did Finland ever beat USA?
USA never made it to finals to meet Finland :S
His point still stands :D
"can't lose if you don't play"?
hayzay noob

ez for ddd
avi electro if needed
You have € 765 on nl DRGN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3519
get me in coach
end are you avi?
Need team U$A powerhouse End for this shit.
yeah ill play if we can use silent mod

inb4 own from my side
Pierdolisz I tak nie wierze :D
piwko juice że Cie nie ma dzisiaj?
Emm pojechałem z dziewczyną na weekend
to trzymaj kciuki :D
Jak bloodje trzeźwy to chyba easy :D
"one of the worst defences at cp i've ever seen"

oh noes, it's still the same
now I know why silent didn't want to attack as engi
Today 14:00Electrostatic Discharge us 1.93 vs. 2.08 nl Double Dutch Dragons 35,000 € on us *|* Lost
iii easy rekin! :D
lmao 2 NA no win 6 NA yes win
simple they didnt have 2006 opiate and 2007 anim paired with 2009 bd matt and 2013 aimboting foreigner and 2020 ohurcool ( by the time he ll probably be good ) and ofc LAN hero pauz
2009 bd matt > 2008 bd matt?
that panzer shot this team did back in 2004 on a 21 of july at exactly 6 PM boy do i remember that
You have € 10545 on nl DRGN
You won € 21933.6

nie bedziesz sie na mnie wzbogacal, dziwko!
pls, ledwo więcej dmg od locka wyciągnąłeś xD morda burku bemowski i podziękuj rekinowi za kering
a bo mi sie nie chcialo bic dmg -_-
ta, nie chciało się :XD
po co ma bic dmg jak robia to za niego ?? jak jest potrzeba to bije
jak bedzie jakas ciekawsza gierka to wtedy sie zepnie poslady ;)
bo ostatnio się woził jaki to świetny nie jest
nigdy nie slyszalem by meehow sie kiedykolwiek wozil -- predzej koledzy z repry aka fantastyic
bo on się wozi prywatnie
bo ja jestem fantastycznym graczem, ale po tylu juz latach wiem kiedy trzeba sie starac a kiedy nie, wiec lysy brudasie shut up now!
You have € 400 on nl DRGN
You won € 832

Thanks WuT
sztampowo :/