credibilis. vs (4983 views)

de s1LENT
us hayzay
gb Artstar
us boxz
us ipod
07.11.14 23:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: s1LENT (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 4483
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


damn good luck ipod

You have € 114 on jm
Possible win: € 613.32
bad pc :< hayzay gonna get lucky
sry if you been trying to use the 420 TS, it went down check this one out
3 L's one night , Playing on a friday, Losing on a friday, and being a broke nigga playing wiith a microwave computer that can't run ET.
Why half my basement room look better then your whole ya crib? And always on time broke nigga, money good :) Don't live for free like you peanut head

Keep using your 15 inch TV screen playing on a computer that can't run a game like ET, and do what you've been doing ya whole life,Leaching off people like you do from ya school so you can feed your internet addiction and play ET there.
no windows, what is life outside lOL
It's half my room, there's only 3 windows, behind the bed and 2 on the other side of the room, seeing how you play all weekend every weekend you couldn't tell me what's life outside :|
I'll be back tomorrow when you spend the rest of your night at the desk possum head to see your nerd reply
possum head LOL
lmfaoo prisoner
pay up the rent
maybe eventually you'll move out of that shit prison
" I don't play at home as much because I have a very shitty computer and i hate playing on it."
" TV is being used as a monitor also :(."

Broke nigga be quiet, get a job. 21 living for free still. Must suck not being able to buy your own things.
Can't afford a computer that's good enough to run a 10+ year old game, Can't afford a monitor so you use a shit small TV to hook up to your 1990's microwave computer, I would think you would invest in a decent computer since that's what your going to do for the rest of your life raccoon eyes, but you don't even have a car either, don't pay for anything... Stop trying to catfish the internet, and make that money hoe.

"i have more money in my account than you'll ever have ;)"

Catfish - A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identitie

Hope you finally get a job at 21 broke nigga, you'll finally be able to save up for a car and pay your own phone bill.
Stop with the catfish lies. I little birdie told me you used to go to the library to play ET, so you were THAT weird kid at the library and I imagine class too. Broke nigga be quiet.
Go to the library to play ET,Draws weird stuff in paint imagining playing with Euros in ET, Plays ET in the back of class, claims to have money but can't run ET at home and plays on a small TV, Short AND indian with a closet most likely packed with FILA brand clothes because I know how much you indians love FILA, Didn't buy one thing that's sitting in your room right now at the age of 21 .

Facts got you tight, my job is done hahaha. I'll most likely make fun of you again on friday or saturday night when you're playing all night again.

"told you im richer than youll ever be"

why your tv so small though broke nigga
This nigga joe got a shakeweight in his room
i got da most money... lemme know if one of u starving niggas need a meal or something.
Get ya boy a kids meal from mcdonalds and a computer so he doesn't have to play from the library
livin in basement and make post about it at gtv, thats need to be U.S guy.
Long story short, I moved back in from cross country to help take care of my parents so I rent out the basement for now. Point being there's a difference from living for free and paying to live there. A lot of nerds will try to make fun of it while they don't even pay there phone bill.
Np. you dont need to explain me anything its your own life, just wonder whats make you person that you are now, dunno, r u tryin to be better posting some shitty pictures of your parents basement? Tryin to make ipod mad etc. just cant fell any empathy from your side, dunno if its some kind of overdose McDonalnd food or steroids or whatever else u eat to look better liek typical American from Hollywood movies, your whole thining stereotype is sad, u really should read an some B.Pascal or dunno eat some magic shoorms whatever just change it or it will destroy you slowly.
this nigga full of shit but thats a cool story bro
I know it's hard for you to believe things like this since the only people your around are the weird ones who are addicted to video games too, not everyone who plays a video game has it as there main priority like you water bottle head
My basement* I redone everything and pay for it, and I don't take anything to heart or care for anyone over the internet, I just think it's funny to pick on the ones that get mad,if you didn't get mad then I wouldn't roast you. Only the few people I still play with know that,I don't even look for them I come on and people tell me to keep roasting the weirdos
What the hell is wrong with you, really.
Good match aww...take a look to the bet coeficients ahh
Lady Macbeth HAYZAY 68 kills
Red Shirt auto-ihateyouall 89 deaths

ipod fragmagnet = 75% of hayzay's kills guaranteed
Nope, ipod had 20 selfkills
89-20 -> still enough to be 75% of hayzay's kills. gg maths crushed.
31 of 68 were ipod
almost 50% is still way more than it should've been :D
true, damn ipod.
you should have whatsapped me instead :&
ipod noob
we got it, the beaner is living in the fucking basement and ipod has got racoon eyes from playing too much

this shit has been going on for months get the fuck outta here
Nimm die halt direktje auseinander lorenz