Hodor vs greejtsjot (4581 views)

pl igii
pl BloOdje
pl WuT
pl Abj
pl buggs
pl w1lko
be aNGER
be ChilAx
be eron
de Kenji
be zpar
pl samraj
11.11.14 21:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth av3k 76 kills
Killing Spree av3k 7 frags without being killed
Accountant draak BloOdje 141% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! |v56| Kenjii 23 gibs
...and stay dead! h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS 42% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning |v56| zpar 64 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! h{ igi 26 SPAM kills
Fragstealer h{ buggs 144 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! h{ igi 286 damage per frag
What objective? av3k 427 XP
Red Shirt |v56| aNGER 79 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? h{ igi 11 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore draak BloOdje 218 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut h{ igi 5 team kills
Gingerbread man h{ buggs 20 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|v56| aNGER542564379130419760678352690/119/22/4226/161779946
|v56| samraj48285367580277473115412120/01/435/402/2120815459
|v56| ChilAx5627639691210187944109641300/01/636/362/920415729
|v56| Kenjii7728658752303201086392764050/00/341/3820/1318712469
|v56| zpar9537862658041111152119982360/02/464/410/818018545
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN723095778181513903683853870/00/332/4716/14159106410
|v56| 6717902954418221888540745999916390/023/3210/4766/1418613848
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS71318507021011210340118912960/03/445/373/1420717048
h{ igi522303465131511590468863751/08/50/3526/14174104611
draak BloOdje1413836949120281128999571110/05/362/314/1316420364
h{ buggs9732372741804201036673005710/00/239/3419/121449947
Player Summary for sw_goldrush_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|v56| aNGER4551511100313211330540/02/02/71/1KKDDKDD/DKDD/KD/
|v56| samraj2730311000110401865180/00/02/71/2/KDDDDDDDDDKDK
|v56| ChilAx703971030031169155700/00/27/50/0KDK/K/DKDDKDDKDK/
|v56| Kenjii332541210021070135200/00/02/92/0DKKK//KDDDDDDDDD
|v56| zpar88388900121450166170/00/09/60/1XXK/KDKDKDDKDTKK/KDD
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN66498122020134515731700/00/15/122/0TKKDTDKDDDKKDKDKKDXDDDD
|v56| 55232356570311739593382490/02/327/466/4
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS20066105700116481650140/01/09/20/1DDKKKKDKKKKD/KK
h{ igi5556592003109483600/01/10/34/2DDDDKKDK/KK//D
draak BloOdje2608913530012395138700/01/012/40/0KDKDK/KKKKDKKKKKKD
h{ buggs110611110400215249101040/00/09/60/2KDDKKKDKKKDK/D/DKKDKD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|v56| aNGER2541280011802873730/00/00/43/3DDDTDDK/KDD
|v56| samraj855567300017021282540/00/06/50/1DDKDDKDKDKDKK
|v56| ChilAx25382800006671387180/00/02/50/2DDDKKDDDDD
|v56| Kenjii1836311640022002108100/00/09/32/2KDKDKXKKKK/KKK/KDD
|v56| zpar100408810021087140800/00/08/60/0K/K/DKKKDKKDDDDK
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN10052111120001444121600/00/07/94/1KDKDDKDKDKKDKDKDDKDKKD
|v56| 86289404810015770472471450/00/032/329/9
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS58387125002138317051690/00/06/81/2K/KKDDK/DKDDDDDKKDD
h{ igi1216181112573807970/00/00/42/1KDTS/DD/DD
draak BloOdje15746117101211321519110/00/011/31/2KKDXKK/DDKK/KDKKKTKD
h{ buggs1375111820121670661130/00/04/54/1KDTKK/KDDKKDKDD/KKKK
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|v56| samraj431061432400121244883500/00/214/160/12KKD/DDKKKKKDDKDDDDDDDDDKDKDDDDDDDKDDDDKDXKDDDKDX
|v56| ChilAx481011429410631514777400/00/314/150/6DDDDDKDDDD//SD/KXKKKDDDKXKDDKKXDK/K/DKDDDKD/DKD
|v56| Kenjii408014356028314846891500/00/210/176/5/KDXK/XDKDK/DDD/TD///KDKKDTKDKDKDDDDDDDKD/DDDKKDDDKDD
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN308410338116194534091390/00/29/182/5/K/KDDDKDDDD//DDDDKDDDDDDDKDD/KKD/DDKDKDKDST
|v56| 476269319935282818330268886310/18/1372/10921/41
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS80125202550054398384100/01/218/111/7DKDDKKDDDDKDKDDKKDKKKD/DK/KK/DDDKK/KKDKK/KDDD
h{ igi13311424187025338619611961/07/20/1114/2KKDK/DDDDKDDTDKKKDXDDKKKKKK/KXK/KKK/KKD/DTKKKK
draak BloOdje1521532919501548823741460/03/126/131/3XKKDKKDKKKTKDKK/KKX/DKDKKDDKDDDKKK//XKKKDKKK/DDDKKKK
h{ buggs11012131287028432727401930/00/014/157/5/DD/DKKKDKD//KDKDDKKT/KK/K/DDKDKKDKKDTDKK/KKKDKDKKDKKDKKKKDKD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|v56| aNGER958319206001124221622340/010/10/69/4DX/KDD/DKKK/KX/KDKK//KK/K/KDDKDK/KK/KK/KD
|v56| samraj52941325102526073511900/01/213/121/6KDT/K/DKDK/DDK/TKDD/KKKDDKDKDDDDDKDDDKDD
|v56| ChilAx72981622500929573243720/01/113/112/1/KDK/KDDKK/DKDDKK/K/KDDK//KDDK/DDK/KKD
|v56| Kenjii131118292212018464321542550/00/120/910/6DTKKK/DDK/KDKK/K/D/KK/KKKKKK/KXKDDKDKD/KKKKKKXDKDKDKDD
|v56| zpar1221262218001437143809850/01/122/110/2DKDKKDK/KDKKDDK//DKKDKDDKTKDKDKKKXDKK/KKKD
|v56| 10064312712930064420645165266140/013/679/5730/27
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS468913284014291146951130/01/212/161/4DD/KKKTDDKDDKDDK/DK/KDDKDDDDKKDDKXDDDDDDK/D
h{ igi134443030218513282820/00/20/176/9DDKDTKDKD/DDDDDDDDDDDDDKDDDDTDDDDDDD
draak BloOdje88951618300028803310540/01/213/112/8DXXKKDDKKDDKKDKDDKDKDKDKKKDKDDDKDDDKX
h{ buggs679019285018284529892610/00/212/88/4KKDKKDKDKDDDDD/KKDDD//KDK/DDK/KKKKKDD//DKDDKDT/K

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: chilax brb 2min
h{ buggs [Warmup]: brb
rapha [Warmup]: FIFI
rapha [Warmup]: rip
|v56| ChilAx [Warmup]: tis weer te lastig vo hun eigen namen wi :d
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: CG names
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: polen he
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: hows life WuT?
|v56| ChilAx [Warmup]: :D
|v56| ChilAx [Warmup]: :D
|v56| ChilAx [Warmup]: :D
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: haha
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: igi
h{ igi [Warmup]: need to be prepared
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: tell ur friends to put their real names
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: or ET nicks if that fits better
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: I understand they never play ET but it will be nice if they would change it for once .. ':D'
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: apject & woet moef
draak BloOdje [Warmup]: you guys so funny
draak BloOdje [Warmup]: today
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: not only today
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: hows life bloodje?
|v56| samraj [Warmup]: brb
draak BloOdje [Warmup]: praccing hard
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: I was mvp @ comedycasino
draak BloOdje [Warmup]: to get some pokals
h{ buggs [Warmup]: samraj close the burdel
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: hihi
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: samraj kondomie dziurawy
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: f3
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: english in main chat or kick
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: fak ju
rapha [Warmup]: xD
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: :D
|v56| zpar [Warmup]: THIS SERVER IS HOSTED BY 'XD|||||||||||||||||||||||||
draak BloOdje [Warmup]: LP5 szadziuuuu <333: can you ask my question?
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: xD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: i hacked your teamchat gimme your pockets
|v56| zpar [Warmup]: :D
|v56| zpar [Warmup]: :D
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: hacked ur ft & ur mom
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: eron
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: w1lko
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: xd
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: thats it?
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: i heard that your mother is laying naked on the street
|v56| ChilAx [Warmup]: OEEEHHHH
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: nah she's watching me pwning w1lko
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: we'll see
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: :p
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: did you use google translate for that sentence wilko? Took you so long
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: ofc
|v56| Kenjii [Warmup]: xD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: fuck off
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: im not skyline
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: xd
|v56| zpar [Warmup]: gl & h
h{ buggs [Warmup]: =D
|v56| zpar [Warmup]: f
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: XD
|v56| samraj [Countdown]: hf
h{ buggs [Countdown]: hf
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Countdown]: hf w1lko
|v56| zpar [14:44]: :D
|v56| zpar [14:44]: :D
|v56| zpar [14:44]: :D
[14:40]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[14:30]: The Tank has been repaired!
[14:27]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[13:21]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[13:14]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[12:59]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[12:29]: The Tank has been damaged!
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [11:54]: fo
[11:52]: The Tank has been repaired!
[11:50]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[11:46]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[11:35]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[11:20]: The Tank has been damaged!
[10:43]: Allied team is escaping with the Gold Crate!
[10:40]: Truck Barrier #1 has been destroyed.
|v56| zpar [10:03]: gg
[9:41]: |v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnNcalled a vote.
[9:38]: Vote FAILED! (Swap Teams )
[9:32]: Allied team escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 5:27
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: gg
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Intermission]: :'D
rapha [Intermission]: rekin
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: whats up eron?
|v56| zpar [Intermission]: can we stop?
draak BloOdje [Intermission]: easy
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: bring me beer
|v56| aNGER [Intermission]: heel da team vol active et nerdjes XD
rapha [Intermission]: xD
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Intermission]: didnt know the game started
|v56| zpar [Warmup]: was still laughing with the ql names
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: hahaha xD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: your mother didnt know that methanol can kill her eyes
rapha [Warmup]: enrish in main chat or kick lol
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: enrish?
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: fak ju?
rapha [Warmup]: engrish*
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: retard?
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Countdown]: trash?
|v56| aNGER [Countdown]: just said that your team is full of active ET nerds
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Countdown]: serious business
|v56| aNGER [Countdown]: just a small fact :-)
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Countdown]: active
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Countdown]: ?oke
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [5:23]: csGo
av3k [5:20]: and you're mad that's 2nd fact
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [5:18]: :D
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [5:18]: :D
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [5:17]: :D
|v56| aNGER [5:13]: nop :P
[2:27]: The Tank has been repaired!
[2:24]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
h{ igi [1:58]: ^.^
[1:47]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [1:10]: xd
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [1:07]: xd
[1:07]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[0:41]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[0:38]: The Tank has been damaged!
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [0:29]: nerd
rapha [0:19]: rekin
rapha [0:18]: kurwa
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [0:09]: fragmovie
rapha [0:08]: fragmovie
draak BloOdje [0:06]: 8D
|v56| aNGER [0:04]: XD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [0:00]: :D
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (5:27)
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: gg
|v56| zpar [Intermission]: gg
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Intermission]: fragmovie
|v56| aNGER [Intermission]: #tryhards
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Intermission]: #jeuj
h{ igi [Intermission]: IGI SHOU
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: tryhard CS:go
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Intermission]: gij ga lappe krijge nu
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Intermission]: :X
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: retardami surely doesn't mean retard XD
draak BloOdje [Warmup]: 8D
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: buggs
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: f3 it is
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: :D
h{ igi [Warmup]: ^.^
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: :D
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Countdown]: hf w1lko
|v56| zpar [Countdown]: hf
[14:43]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [14:39]: ,
rapha [13:49]: xD
[13:43]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[13:04]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[12:52]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
h{ igi [12:23]: hahahaha
|v56| samraj [12:17]: zagapilem sie
|v56| samraj [12:14]: :)
h{ buggs [12:12]: =D
[10:56]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[10:40]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:39]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[10:11]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[10:10]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[10:10]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[10:10]: FIGHT!
h{ buggs [9:45]: =D
h{ buggs [9:45]: =D
h{ igi [9:38]: <huuda> I'm not making accusations, but your gamestyle shows really high battlesense
[9:25]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[9:05]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[9:02]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
|v56| samraj [8:19]: gg
rapha [8:18]: rekin
rapha [8:17]: gg
|v56| zpar [8:16]: why would you push
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [8:16]: show by w1lko
|v56| zpar [8:15]: main
av3k [6:07]: rekt
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [6:05]: :DDDD
rapha [5:11]: rofl
|v56| aNGER [5:08]: REKT
rapha [5:08]: timing
[4:51]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [4:48]: ERON 4 22
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [4:48]: XD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [4:46]: HAHAHAH
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [4:19]: engi nerd
av3k [3:14]: rekt
rapha [3:13]: AV3K wh
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [3:08]: :'D
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [3:05]: Pools talent
|v56| aNGER [3:02]: XD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [3:01]: FAK JU
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [3:00]: NONAME
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [2:57]: : D
|v56| zpar [2:12]: gg
|v56| samraj [1:20]: lol
h{ buggs [0:10]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: gg
rapha [Intermission]: eron 1k club
av3k [Warmup]: XD
|v56| zpar [Warmup]: eron engi club
rapha [Warmup]: :D
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: :*
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: :D
draak BloOdje [Warmup]: 8D
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: rambo medic talking about damage
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: classic
h{ igi [Warmup]: ^.^
h{ igi [Warmup]: ^.^
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: We'll talk later
h{ igi [Warmup]: ^.^
h{ igi [Warmup]: ^.^
h{ igi [Warmup]: ^.^
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: who ever u might be
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Warmup]: GAYS
rapha [Warmup]: oh noes
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: but you're playing this game 24/7 abject XD
av3k [Warmup]: want some of my matches where I had highest dmg as an engi?
av3k [Warmup]: your argument is invalid
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: want some of mine?
av3k [Warmup]: na
av3k [Warmup]: 1,9k says enough
|v56| Kenjii [Warmup]: Ur parents must be really proud of u
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: as I said, you can't live without ET
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: I'd like to see u getting raped @ supply and having highest dmg as engi
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Warmup]: without ego'ing as a nerd
av3k [Warmup]: u ah u ah XD
|v56| aNGER [Warmup]: btw abject, your face is invalid too
h{ igi [Countdown]: ^.^
h{ buggs [Countdown]: =D
rapha [Countdown]: :XD
av3k [Countdown]: xd
h{ igi [Countdown]: wtf...
av3k [Countdown]: XDD
h{ buggs [Countdown]: hf
rapha [Countdown]: u seemed to be really mad lol
av3k [Countdown]: abj isn't writing anything
av3k [Countdown]: but yea
av3k [Countdown]: :D
|v56| aNGER [Countdown]: XD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [14:58]: fager
h{ igi [14:58]: hf guys
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [14:57]: fak ju
|v56| zpar [14:56]: hf
|v56| zpar [14:47]: :(
[13:12]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
draak BloOdje [13:08]: 8D
[12:52]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
rapha [12:50]: :XD
rapha [12:38]: playing all day long with pf
|v56| aNGER [12:18]: :D
|v56| aNGER [12:18]: :D
|v56| aNGER [12:18]: :D
[11:50]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
h{ igi [11:34]: ^.^
h{ igi [11:34]: ^.^
h{ igi [11:34]: ^.^
h{ igi [11:34]: ^.^
h{ igi [11:34]: ^.^
[10:33]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[9:53]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[8:45]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
rapha [7:55]: avek
rapha [7:55]: lol
rapha [7:53]: hax
draak BloOdje [6:45]: 8D
draak BloOdje [6:45]: 8D
[6:34]: The Allied Truck is in position!
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [6:32]: wat
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [6:32]: xd
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [6:30]: this nade
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [6:29]: ..
[6:24]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[6:23]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[6:10]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
|v56| zpar [6:05]: :D
rapha [6:04]: :D
|v56| zpar [6:04]: :D
|v56| zpar [6:04]: :D
|v56| zpar [6:03]: XD
rapha [6:02]: XD
draak BloOdje [5:00]: FRAGMOVIE
rapha [3:14]: :O
rapha [3:13]: op
[3:02]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 11:57 (original: 15:00)
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: gg
av3k [Intermission]: lol rekt
|v56| zpar [Intermission]: Thanks for the game
|v56| zpar [Intermission]: gg
rapha [Intermission]: gg
|v56| aNGER [Intermission]: ze zijn blij hoor XD
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: cu in next year
|v56| ERoOoOOoOONNNnN [Intermission]: :DDD
|v56| ChilAx [Intermission]: idd xd
h{ w1lko ^BBICEPS [Intermission]: qyut

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.