greejtsjot vs Hodor (3658 views)

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07.12.14 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: ChilAx. (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 1603
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


succes tom & gilles
chilax my sweet love

getting negative dmg with rifle, i didnt teach u well anger :[
worst game ever man XD funny thing is that igi still acussed me of wh after match :')
but I guess my previous games were all positive tho but idc anyway, csgo all the way bitches <3 my last game wasn't that bad :x
igi & kitt should play together sometimes imo
believe me i tried so hard :S

Session Start: Do Jul 31 17:00:46 2014


[17:04] <kitt> yea i wonder how symbol, ava or suffkopf could play for hodor when they actually never merced before
[17:05] <IGLA> i know them from mix at hodor ts etc.
[17:05] <IGLA> suffkopf is Sklamak friend
[17:05] <IGLA> Ava is hodor
[17:05] <IGLA> symbol is Ava friend
[17:05] <IGLA> so symbol is HODOR
[17:05] <IGLA> ok?;D
[17:05] <IGLA> mate
[17:05] <IGLA> i jsut dont know you
[17:05] <IGLA> thats all
[17:05] <IGLA> nothing personal

that changed my life in so many ways.. i still can't take this rejection
If i remember right you quitting W:ET after CG2 Season and you already uninstall it so dunno wth you still doing here :d
Like 100 people told you to kill yourself, what are you still doing there?
Where is there?
like 1000 people told u the same, what are u doing here?
You didn't get it, as usual but nothing that surprising from a retard like you.
1) dicksucking hard as possible
2) no enough attention :(
3) call retard
1) never ever "dicksucked" such a mongolian retard like you.
u did it so hard. u can stop kicking me from nbs, its just pathetic.
lying so hard you fucktwit hahahaha
" u are such a cool guy and i want to be your friend"
Keep kicking, that makes u looking even more pathetic and ridiculous.
kariera 2k14
a Ty i tak scierwo bedziesz meczyk odtwarzal z fejk konta na gamestv jako " -tv- " i komentowal kazdy mecz :) juz sam nie wiem co gorsze
jakie kurwa fejk konto? xDDD ty jak coś powiesz to ja pierdole. ogarnij się cwelu