Double Dutch Dragons vs turbot (7947 views)

CyberGamer EU ET Season 2
3on3 Division 1
Grand Final

Bracket - - Rules
17.12.14 22:00 CET

Server ???
hunter cie pozdrawia
Ayy swani leme holla at ya real qck nomsayn
Not avi today
We can't play today, tomorrow, tuesday or wednesday is fine.
Could stream this game, but would be nice for it not to be Monday 21CET if possible - casting a game then already :)
Done. :)
Happy casting
Jak tardy grają tak samo jak na izi
dupa chuj tutaj im troszke lepiej idzie a na osp to sie zapisuja tylko po to zeby wpierdol dostac:XD
exact same lineups in phase cup, yet opposite odds.
i rolled these nerds ;X
howd u lose
howd u lose
You have 250 on nl DRGN
You won 335 thx
You won 335 thx
Overall Viewerpeak: 178
na b4 fragmovie Hunter :)
Viewer Peak for Merlin: 140
yessss, new record <3
yessss, new record <3
ho God, need to be more active
good job man!
good job man!
replay of the game up on youtube: