Hirntot vs Hirntot Regulars (3611 views)


Format: 12 vs 12 (up to 16 vs 16, depending on the number of registrations)
Date: 21.12.2014
Time: 20:00 CET
Mod: ETPro
Maps: to be announced
Config: Standard Hirntot Rules (no war-config so e.g. sk is not allowed!)
Server: Server and password will be announced to the participants 1 hour before bash starts on irc/ts

[!!!]Hirntot (aka the mighty army of eternal noobs)


friends, fans and regulars

21.12.14 20:00 CET

We only have this indepth analysis available for certain matches:

  • Match is over and finished
  • We need to have an official demo of it
  • Match must have at least 2 stars

So there's no analysis available for this match.