Forward Momentum vs Bus Drivers (6539 views)

ca f4uxx
ca rito
ca TunnEl
ca monkey
us vein
ru mirror
ca Tomun
ca anim
ca CrimZoN
ca nazzy2face
us demented
us darkman

American ET 6on6: Season 1
Group B
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: American ET Season 1: 6on6 » Matchlink
Manager: foreigner (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 6674
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
By: ohurcool
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gl chunk:D... OMG tranix BRAh did u rode jetskis??
bd|darkman about to murk some kids with his new-found rnade skills.
the bets don't lie
lol @ odds
You have € 14480.36 hopefully they keep betting on them hahahaha
surprised anim hasnt gotten benched yet..
Joker is making you guys believe that bus driver will win but don't be so easily fooled the winners are undoubtly going to be forward momentum monkey and mirror are enough to take on all 6 of them

You have € 100 on )>>(
Possible win: € 388
I'm getting scared, monkey hasn't responded to me at all this year. Tomun might finally get his first win of 2015...
Do not fear my friend, monkey is simply preparing his hibernating stage with enough poutine to survive an ice age
gaming yogurt
Fuck outta here gaming Cheddar cheese curds bruh
Looks awfully bad too much bacon not enough cheese and the fries are screaming in agony for gravy sauce to bath in and the fries have a greenish color please tell me that's an american or eng Canadian poutine 8'|
All I can say is that bd|matt is going to smash faces.
bring truckdriver matt, I'll dumpster that kid.
all in on bd
Anim is benching himself from Bus Drivers because they are scrubs.
End you talk so much shit and suck so much cock you've got dick shaped turds coming out your mouth fagot.
772 replays on Rofl this will be the second time I make you quit et.
you cant even play in this league at you
they not trying to downgrade
its like that my nigga?
Everyone bet on BD 100% free
Fuck. You. Foreigner.
)>>( is recruiting
LOL who dropped out hahaha
I kicked everyone
ok im bringing anim over to our team and detdet
No idea why foreigner would bench himself when he was the carrier and was leading his team singlehandedly to victory in the past matches.
What the fuckkk is up
Monkey and mirror are enough to take on all 6 of them though right?
u fking genius
Go take a shower you smelly fuck.
ok ugly fat boy
You have € 40 on us bd
You won € 97.2
