'xD Trickjump, vs Queens (4039 views)

nl Sebhes
gb Shaman
fi Sherclock
gb Artstar
be chry
gb razz
10.01.15 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Sebhes (Generaladmin)
Maps: Et_ice
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Total Pot: € 11824
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 31


doit xd!
forgot to bet :/
no need to since it will be canceled cause Sherlock still offline at CG AC :/
and they said chry wasn't on cgac at the start :( scumbags
Viewer Peak: 31

not bad
You have € 100 on eu Queens
You lost
You have € 100 on eu 'xD
You won € 1102
You have € 706 on eu 'xD
You won € 7780.12

thanks razz
wp guys

gb razz 9,000 € on Queens Lost
:DD Thanks for good odds tho
You have € 222 on  'xD 
You won € 2446.44
dat Sebhes
i dont follow the et scene but this result is interesting
active > inactive

it has always been like this.. (or atleast in 8 out of 10 :P )
They are playing active for almost year! What is suprising u there?
it's more to do with chry/razz inactivity than xD's activity, though their teamplay was pretty good. :P
lol you just suck, that's the reason
It only shows a power of talent, perseverance and faith. Who would even imagine (except me, i did believe in them since the beggining) that, its possible to improve from low to med+ in less than a year!
they aren't any different than they were 3 months ago- razz and chry are. :D I'm not sure if you're trolling here. that they've improved in a short time wouldn't have been any less true if they'd lost this or won it.
Yeah I think our teamwork saved us. I personally wasn't nowhere near my usual aiming skill and shaman was not so good focused altho he improved to the end as we told him to focus. Sebhes played better than usual and I personally think he carried us couple of important phases.
Wow so you basically played on like only 50% of your and shaman's ability.

Good that you're looking for excuses vs players that didn't play AT ALL in the last quarter(maybe more?) of a year
What is wrong with you and your thinking? I didn't look for any excuses? I just said some things I observed from our team gaming.

Personally I think you are one big joke as human being.
He is bobika. He is like that
He's bobika?


explains why I always thought bob.cze is fucking retarded
lal such a nice game by 'xD, and what a shame that it goin to be canceled by ohurcool cause he ALWAYS respect rules and u were offline at CG:AC (like every other offi with you since new AC exist), shiiiet