Trivium vs overload (7567 views)

pl gnajda
pl radZiu
pl dmmy
be acid
gb Sheep
be zeto
30.04.08 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: gnajdaTHEhaxx (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 14959
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #9th-Dimension [ETTV]
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: h3ll (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 113


izi 4 T
gl trivium
gnajda is an hacker
"an hacker"? :D Did he hack your Tibia account or what?
gtv should ban all those poltards like you
Somehow I can distinguish hackers from cheaters,for sure im not the one retarded in this topic.
Wouldnt count on it
Woozie check the meanings of the words before you use them.
you mean the word "distinguish" ?

if u do why dont u check urself before you start acting like a smartass
he wanted to say: "disgusting"
LOL nice engrish
ovr is dodelijk!!!!!
gnajd bys sie wstydzil, wszyscy wiedza ze haxujesz a i tak napitalasz w ET, bym sie na twoim miejscu dawno pochlastal
go Trivium o/
zbanuj mnie, potem pieprz
jak zbanowac prywaciarza :X
ogarnijcie sie z tymi haxami...

gl T
hF ovr
Wkurwia mnie te pierdolenie od 3 lat ;o kurwa jesli nie macie dowodow i czegos nie jestescie pewni tylko mowiecie tak bo inni tez tak mowia, to jestescie zalosni ;o. Aczkolwiek sa ludzie ktorzy nie uwazaja mnie za czitera, i toi na dodatek coraz wiecej takich ludzi jest za co dziekuje:)
No przyznaje Ci racje.

Nie, ani razu nie pokazales sie na LANie, jako jeden z nielicznych nie przeszedles testu Anti3 w World Cupie i w dodatku byles juz zbustowany :-)
I've played versus you and Trivium like 2 times, I didn't notice anything weird, so you can add me to the list of people who don't think that you are cheating, kkthxbye
gnida sam wie czy jest haxem czy nie. wiec stfu ;)
gl overload ^^
Gnida żeby udowodnic skilla musisz pojechac na LANA i pokazac tam jak naprawde grasz bo tak czy siak nikt ci nie uwiezy w twego skilla
Problem polega na tym, ze on nie musi sie tlumaczyc ani nic udowadniac, tylko wy musicie mu udowodnic, ze haxuje wiec prosze Cie, zamknij sie...
mecz cs3r vs T z 1. lutego
2nd map - b4 - allies, jeden z ostatnich atakow, spawn od CP.
mozliwe, ze na starym kompie mam demko z tego meczu, ale bana w CB i tak nie bedzie, nawet za taki obvious wh...
izi for overload
hf overload
afaik last 3v3 clash vs those 2, was finished by an ego quit by overload

and for the record, this is certainly no flame to them* !

mAx to the hax

gl belgians

& gnajda
hf Gnajda :)
ye cheaters, get off him, he doesnt like to get raped
Go Overload
gl gnida
do u spoken england ?
(: izi bash for oVr
radziu moj maly chuju jedziesz z gownem !
100 on the polaks!
Ahahah, Lineup of Overload :

score ? :)
2-2, gn1da LOL
hello e-money!!

4-2 Trivium
4:2 T
looking for gold demo (T as axis) upload plx
Hackers win ¬_¬
Cheaters win ¬_¬

gnajda cheated on anti3 @ WC3ON3 congradz on allowing him 2 play, wp
omg talent only plz
just pure jokes :D
You have € 578 on pl T
You won € 1231.14

Danke :)
cheaters always win
lol @ dummy. what a joke.
Well, this was fun xDD
the actual point is , how did you manage to take a map vs such clear cheaters! :D
and inactive player :-* how cuuuute
hacks never go inactive
talking like zet0 never hacked
3v1 , ...
Show me tze hAx
show you? you see it everytime u start ET... and i m talking about the old zet0, not ur new style. u know... the old zet0 who should be banned. remember him?
my new style? care to explain..
expected ² cheaters always win
np4 ff player
watched the replay and gnajda is as clean as the toilet paper I just used
Well that depends, how dirty was the poo?