=118= vs HSK.rtcw (3999 views)

gb crumbs
gb sharky
gb MerlinatoR
nl juncie
be viX
se askungen
de humM3l
de wEAK
tr matze
de souX
de zerb
pl z3R0
Winner bracket final of RTCW-cup
23.04.08 22:00 CEST
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: crmbs (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 3466
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Return To Castle Wolfenstein TV
gb foo-gaming.co.uk
By: crmbs (none)

Total Slots: 128
Viewer Peak: 41


Still in need of a cam man any volunteers?
ask nl Playa, I'm sure he'll be interested :D
Easy for 118 because juncie plays!
lol hf
Was the rtcw cup a success then? =)
22CET not 23CET
should be a great match! gl & hf both =]
hsk line up :

de pulley
ch Dr!ll
de aLp3nb0g
de polle
de kraft
de pk
de psiguru
gl should be good to watch :)
how are you doing pansy? :-)
unable to play due to a blown up monitor! :(
well played by zerom and askungen.
4-0 118
Dam, I thought this match was next Sunday, anyone got link to demos please?