#erAse.et Runo<3 vs xProject (6808 views)

fi toNi
nl esSe
be PlAyer
nl vANQ
fr Snatix
gb clarkee
nl jeewee
pl Vi3ri
de sNoOp_
fi froxe
pl jiN
pl BloOdje
27.01.15 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Esse1999 (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5009
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34



avi to rifle l0l
merk them tony
sNoOp_ gonna rage
You made gtv match without igi on it, jfc thank you <
snoop o.O
bloodje got it
You have € 250 on pl xPro
You won € 1070

You have € 125 on pl xPro
You won € 535

iam rich
snoop still higher skill than 24/7's
Well done xpro :)
so who was faking and cheating under snoops name?
base or iNsa
Meehow please go to lan and show us your skill there or stop talking about cheaters thanks :-)

e: Base and insa are from the netherlands and not from germany

QuotesNoOp_ (~fuck@dslb-188-100-072-248.188.100.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
QuoteAnd you guys know that insane isnt cheating i hope there will be a lan soon in the Netherlands

 inSHAIne Wednesday, 19th November 2014 21:05

cu @ lan friend. gonna have a good time

 inSHAIne Wednesday, 19th November 2014 21:53

hey but i still see you @ lan friend, gonna have a great time

Did he forget to sign up upcoming lan or? :(((((((((
Again: why did he dissaperar right after infos about lan?

im still here. im going btw:p

e: nejm, bro, give your pc a rest. 11;37 and already behind it.. thuggish
in4 disappearing from going to lan with a #1 ranked team @ cg. or are you going? ask your friends who won that phase cup to donate some for your broke ass to come to LAN!

someone will kick your fresh busted ass there
hmmm looking forward to it. promised sebhes i wouldnt fuck some people up there so holla at me
snoop > erase
doubt it was him :D

zero gamesense
maybe it was de junky!
Hm, idk. Atleast i can confirm hes German.
it was deduch
On a serious note, i really think it was him. Good professional calls, serious gayming sick damages etc.
Only 14spam kills over 3maps, can't be him
No idea, only watched the supply defense and I must say this was horrible :DD Would be really surprised if it was him afterall

Probably was him i guess.
fu :p
nice hitting
hä :d. habe jetzt echt gedacht das wäre irgendein komischer pimmel gewesen :PPP

habe aber auch nicht viel geschaut gehabt
er hat halt 8 jahre fops erfahrung, da haut man gerne mal so ein dmg raus und carryt das game, klappt mit 7 jahren übrigens auch
nicht mit 6?
ka, als ich 6 jahre hatte gings eigtl auch, kann ich dir jetzt aber leider nicht sagen, habe nun schon 7 jahre, da sehe ich die dinge anders

well done Christian Vieri Inter Milan!