SaH Gaming vs Evil Animals (3758 views)

be P!MP
be L4mp
be Commu
be Nilo
be blood
be Teddy Rukspin
de EinArmerKerl
de guinea pig
de PrivateJoker
de knorke
de Lucky Luke
de kanonenfutter
de krabuss
27.04.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET SW 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2008
Manager: P!MPUS (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1356
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


let's see.... who is going to win this match...
gl evil !
gl sah! =D
P!MP !
letsgo! sah gogo
anaconda @ rifle?
maybe, why ? xD
just want to be prepared :)
to laugh your ass off?
u can nevah be prepared for my rifle skillz :p
evil animals:
EinArmerKerl | earthworm
PrivateJoker | turtle
guinea pig | guinea pig
knorke | nibbler
lucky luke | knutche
kanonenfutter | kitten
krabuss | krab
lolol anaconda ftw! :D
u could backup us then.. :P
go prn
cmon sah make me win some money
ur a girl ? :p :o
direct an interested eh jong ^^
nee ze , maar per toeval da profiel gezien en da emailadres vondk toch nie echt zuiver, dus zenk geinteresseerd eh :D
gl sah!
gl sah! you'll need it :P
Lets all watch Krabuss! He's the 0wner in the team... incredible skills combined with teamplay. Just awesome
XD but let him play this time. gl
gl kanonen :)
Teddy Rukspin ftw ! .... NOT !
izi bash 4 SaH! ^^
all money on animals...
Do you believe in god? :)
Btw. where is our radio stream?
Possible line up
Teddy Rukspin
no way! where's anaconda?
gl evil
OMG COMMU UBERPWNER, izi bash if he plays
nothing against krabuss, just spec him...
best aimer evil'earthworm no chance vs him so plz. dont even dare to join or evil bash will follow
maybe one day I'll reach your aim and skill, but today my only goal is to become a lame copy of you
gl evil
hf all - i pause in fear of anaconda :P
too less luck for sah :(
wp both! i was one of the three ettv viewer ^^
wp ggs :D
all maps had been close - nice to watch :)
Krabuss, du schuldest mir was!
wp evil