xProject vs Hodor (4941 views)

pl Vi3ri
ca bN
us TheEnd
nl Vyjii
nl jeewee
pl SkyLine
pl topek
pl BloOdje
pl dex
cz milhAus
fi froxe



e: igi without hunter or wut to carry him, oh this guna be gud

16:15] <Vi3ri> and he said he want to play
[16:15] <Vi3ri> they were scared of u
[16:15] <Vi3ri> and said u and jkr are cheatin

#freethebustednerdcheater #banjokerandend
Dont forget to join cgac before u rup :)
i have no problem playing on cgac , all my matches have been on cgac lol n im not playing lol
i forgot to write IGI} :
before that lol
froxe "too brained" shoots at 4allies instead of hiding and waiting for obj lol
Actually at that point dex had recovered the docs, when I started shooting my teammates just died and u picked em up again. Did not feel the need to hide and camp already expected the game to be over.
wiekszego farta nie widzialem nigdy :D
poza tym pierdole nie gram juz z amerykancami i innymi unhitami
sie wkurwial bede
You have € 250 on pl xPro
You won € 502.5
garbage end garbage those 50 hours a week failing