Malibu vs SteelNuts (3055 views)

nl kApot
nl outlAw
nl VYJ111
fi froxe
be PlAyer
fr StrAf

Crossfire ET 3on3 Champions bracket
UB - 1/8 Finals

Play offs - #crossfire - Rules
25.02.15 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CF ET Season 1: 3on3 » Matchlink
Manager: Sherclock (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 20589
The bets have been cancelled.

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You have € 100 on eu mAlibu
Hey froxe, take a look at the odds... just look at it, now take a look at ur opponent. People rather bet on kapot than u... what did u do with ur life :(
I got froxes back, donating money2charity
kApot is playing for spek and bonen
moving the game withouth discussion gg

E: we cant play on wednesday
It was meant to be played yesterday, kApot just left a comment that u can't play and admins moved it without discussing us.
Quote kApot just left a comment that u can't play


we cant play on wednesday for sure
Well you did leave a comment even Sherclock can clarify it, shame it doesn't work like that. It was forced for Monday so bye!
so can u play today or thursday / friday?
Tomorrow or never, we all were here yday.
Get forfeit , i wont play without outlAw.

You can only win matches in this cup with forfeit trieste mongool.
And you can never win any matches because you are ugly looking lil shit albino
there you have the autistic guy again..
ouch, let the rage come out!
Match Time: 24/2/15 - Tuesday 8:00PM CEST More
Time Until Match: 39 min

just saying
Yes cause Sherlock edited it @cG, it was forced to monday by sebhes.
he is a shit admin..
feel proud, dont even wanna arrange the game :?
Ok take the forfeit win w/e ;)