High Quality vs Team-LOSt (6254 views)

Not Announced
nl Firefly
nl insp3cto
nl Malor
be N1ck_V
fi Thomm
ch Barret
fr cAlia
03.05.08 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET SW 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2008
Manager: Malor (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 13815
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

fr #Gamerz-Connexion TV II
By: dr4g (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 65


GL LOSt :D Win4Me!
Easy HQ ! Terror i jego med+ skill pokaraja, wraz z Vi3rim aka Pan Pierwsza Rifla w Polsce ! // Easy HQ! Terror and his med+ skill will own, with Vi3ri also good known as Mr.First Rifle in Poland !
taa med+ z bimbotem jebany online skill chlopak wyciagniety z ery disco tak imo . a vi3ri jedynie moze recziki podawac . np for l0st imo !
a jak HQ nie moze sobie poradzic z polskimi low skillowymi klanami wiec fu ! jedynie co moga to glaskac sarny w lesie ! cu gg both ?!
Vi3ri a co ty robisz oprucz grania w ET? :)
Pewnie od czasu do czasu zajrzal do slownika ortograficznego ;d
Opierdalam sie ofc :)
gl & hf both teams
gl both
gl HQ
Insp3cto will kick there asses
izi for LOst gl firefly inspecto <3 <3
team lost , HQ sux
easy bash for ch Barret
easy for LOSt :)
GL HQ mam nadzieje ze teraz wam pujdzie lepiej :))))
true! Vi3ri karaj
gl again n1ck :]
I hope I dont suck like yesterday :X
you always suck so that's not an excuse anymore.
Still mad because Force sucks more than me ?
lol'd funny guy !

I'm glad you believe it. let ur squad plays agains one of force's squads and i promise you, you lose 4-0 !

Even i take your team with my real life mates !
Nah , I cheat so we win
no you lose ! just like ur other game on ettv.

you don't know how to use ur hax so that's a problem..
even with ur autoshooter you lose !
gl LOSt
You have € 20 on HQ`
Possible win: € 45 vieri pokaz ukrytego skilla
You have € 6 on eu LOSt| Cancel bet
Possible win: € 20.04 lol !
Du HQ se présente sur mon jeu wolfenstein.
Easy bash for Thomm again.
GL Firefly
Maybe line up will be add ?
Ty; gl hf ;)
Gl & Hf both
idd GL & HF may the best win ^^ thx cursed :P
gl malor & c4lia
thx ;)
pl dart
pl Terror
pl Vi3ri
pl sGh
pl Urqel
pl SnaCki

will probably be the line up for HQ
:o dart :P i know him xD GL
MALOR !! <3
dart out buc will play
izi bash for barret and inspecto <3
ou have € 480 on eu LOSt| Cancel bet
Possible win: € 676

bet on LOST :) gl
All my moneyz on finnsih all* Thomm!!!!!!!!!!

Nick & firefly geef mij eens een shoutout :P
ahahha thx apollo xD
Easy bash again for Thomm.
2:0 HQ
4:0 for HQ too easy ;p
Yeah 4:0
ahaha izi for us no for LOST btw wp!
no fair players imo
k*nk*r match maar agja wb and GL in OC
u can say kanker :P no need to censore
plz update
Mowili na ETTV ze bede busted:D hahaha
Bede czekal:D
wp polak's
unhitables ...
gogoog whine whine whine whine whine !
plz vincee GTFO
helloo ² you !
Lijkt me een fijne kerel die Vincee =)
24/7 op t net te googlen naar qoutes van N1ck_V rofl..
als jy gamestv.org google vind dan heb je gelyk ja.

En tuurlyk ben ik een toffe kerel !
u couldnt hit shit last game aswell

but now u got excuse so np
<roOX```````````> terror bedzie busted
<roOX```````````> jhonb to samo
<roOX```````````> dziekuje

ty Thomm
zaled imo
You have € 5 on LOSt|
You lost

Slowo klucz :D
Sorki chlopaki z hq ze w was nie wierzylem :{
dziekowa dart <3
dart nie gral xD
lost 480 €.,...WTF
roox aka pronade ..............