=DOG= vs sick6 (4353 views)

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Regular Season, Week #2
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: 2 Continents, 1 Cup! » Matchlink
Hosting: Crossfire.nu
Manager: Oxymoron (Requestee)
Maps: Ice

Total Pot: € 12573
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
By: MerlinatoR
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 17


ooo yeahhhh best teams of the cup facing off right here!

replace twidi with olba and it'd be interesting.

gonna say easy for DOG but there could definitely be an upset!

you are so rude lol
How is that rude at all?


Ya feel?

Would seem their panzer was under performing or at least had a bad day too.
the original idea behind this team was to mostly play with ET guys who don't have much experience in RtCW and our goal was just to have fun and maybe win a game or two against the weaker teams

obviously if this was planned to be a serious team with the intention of winning the cup I wouldn't have been in it with zero RtCW experience
hey you already made it into sabo highlights!
Mate you did well with no RtCW experience vsing the best players in the scene.. Plus RtCW is easier to pick up/get used to than ET so keep it up! :)
ET is like rtcw for dummies

Idk how you can say rtcw is easier to learn literally everything about it is harder
Dealing with no anti lag bigger gun spread due to rate of fire infinite arty and unforgiving spawn times with the ridiculous insta gib panzer and the map designs that encourage you to relay on explosives to get the job done shooting is almost futile without being able to shoot ET players are at the complete mercy of spammers
Ever heard of a full stop?

The only valid point you made imo was probably the spam. The rest of it really isn't hard to learn, but maybe your head isn't cut out for the fast pace.

As for the antilag, that comes down to the mod and shrub antilag is pretty decent. OSP is fucked.
Sounds like you're trying to compare fine wine with grape juice my friend :P
jezuz night haha

rtcw panza is OP p:
gooo gavlaaaa
WHAT?? forfeit???
The only real competitor for =DOG= keep getting fucked over by the admins of the cup by bsullhit rules and favouritism towards other teams. #freeROZ