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Crossfire ET 3on3 Champions bracket
UB - Semi Finals

Play offs - #crossfire - Rules
26.03.15 19:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CF ET Season 1: 3on3 » Matchlink
Hosting: Crossfire.nu
Manager: Sebhes (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14035
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


Swanidius the legend
gl Swanidius
Wont be played today or they play without me
reschedule for next sunday then?
yes, would be great.
k thats fine for us
Next sunday is too late.
Everything till Friday is fine.
You have € 250 on us ROIDS
You won € 867.5
Quotenl Swanidius Monday, 5th January 2015 23:57

never kroket
You have € 25 on us ROIDS
You won € 86.75

easy money
Ill send you some money so you can afford your heating bill this month don't worry
You have € 750 on us ROIDS
You won € 2602.5

You have € 900 on us ROIDS
You won € 3123
all 3 cheater right you fat fuck polak
This tupac pretty concerned with these matches he not playing in. Seems to be a clear case of dick riding.
never pass up an opportunity to shit talk igla who are you

one shitty EU team at a time
good stuff, joker switching bot to the max after vokkis triple nade (supply attack 3:50 left).
its incredibly sad to cheat in competitive play like this
you mad that the usa private bot cost more than what your fat fuck slob family makes in a year?
see you in the finals nerd ;)
all those pugs vs me payin off
haha connor u still playing this shit?
yup i started playing again a bit ago since im getting kind of bored of league but only been playing at FA with klawd
The reason why there is no point in playing officials ET matches anymore
joker is brandon by the way
LUL Suprise. It was probably good match =D
Suprise LOL
co ty sie tu malolacik podpruwasz? bo r zjadlem? ty nie umiesz wymowic i co? smieje sie z Ciebie?
us#1 USAusUSA #1us
All games vs those amuricans pseudo players should be automaticly forfeited to not let them play at all same all irc mixes etc, wake up community, this is bullshit
you ask them to merc on a daily basis
nope, never happened :<
shutup nerd
yeah once, and i didnt invite you and didnt know who you are till you connect but nvm
Quoteyeah once, and i didnt invite you and didnt know who you are till you connect but nvm

Go to a doctor
Smack Cam
pipe down igla nobody gave your digusting polish self permission to speak,,,,
how does it feel that an entire nation wanted to annhiliate yours and you went along with it to only realize the only people hitler hated more than jews was polaks rofl, End your life you fat fuckin slob