'xD Trickjump, vs JasonStathamfanclub (4206 views)

nl Sebhes
gb Shaman
ee Hing
fi lEku

Crossfire ET 2on2 Champions bracket
Grand Final

Play offs - #crossfire - Rules

eu 'xD Trickjump, has to win twice!
05.04.15 19:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CF ET Season 1: 2on2 » Matchlink
Hosting: Crossfire.nu
Manager: Sebhes (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 18735
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


You have € 73 on eu 'xD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 162.06
To all the people who are betting on this match. 'xD Trickjump, will only be the GamesTV winner if it wins both matches.
In other words, this match will not be splitted in two separate ETTV matches.

i have faith fwiend!
haven't played et in 3 years
Good Luck eu 'xD Trickjump,
i think i forgot to remove my bet You have € 13938 on eu JSFC
Possible win: € 15889.32
First match won by 'xD Trickjump, 4-2. Second match won by JasonStathamfanclub 4-0.
I used gaming enhancing drugs.