CORNERS vs Team Starpoint (5174 views)

ca Tomun
ca CrimZoN
us darkman
us Howl
us detdet
us Menomena
ca TunnEl

American ET Season 1: 3on3
Upper Bracket - Round 1


good luck Howl, Menomena, TunnEl, Tomun, CrimZoN, and darkman
good luck Howl, Menomena, TunnEl, Tomun, CrimZoN, and darkman
good luck Howl, Menomena, TunnEl, Tomun, CrimZoN, and darkman
good luck Howl, Menomena, TunnEl, detdet, CrimZoN, and darkman
Icing out by boy detdet
gl detdet, detdet, detdet, detdet, detdet, detdet
is that toeminal emerica?
slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp
Howl will find a way to lose this 1, goodluck goodgaming
Tomun will find a way to lose this 1
Tunnel got too many plays, easy for starpoint
Are these pliers sharp? CORNERSDEMENTIA 17 deaths without fragging
CORNERSDEMENTIA 17 deaths without fragging
17 deaths without fragging17 deaths without fragging17 deaths without fragging
Howl was the clear MVP of this match, gj Howl
Good job playing two extra maps detdet.
wp crimz