asDX vs 8Bits (4179 views)

17.04.15 14:30 CEST

gl 8bits!
gl 8bits, play as a team ;)
Nagyon szép játék volt! gg srácok
now thats fucking funny
Yo let's start a fund raiser under anim's name for next lan dawg LOL
very risky play at the end :o but gg
Congrats :) gg
tites skilldrop confirmed gg busted
idk man hes playing at his skill level
Testi skilldrop confirmed gg busted
Testi skilldrop confirmed gg busted
It seems like Tites and Testi both skilldropping :S CGAC'd
Why do you think so?
Nevermind, you played well mate
Don't listen to them tites, you are still the best after me!
Idd, skilldrop implies you have skill to begin with :XD
IceQ exactly what I meant!
Lold, I forgot to make a joke about your nicknames and stuff, no hard feeling, no skilldrop!
caej why not at LAN gg dodge