megaProGaming e-Sports e.V. vs Fear Factory X-Fi (13115 views)

de haZer
de butchji
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at potter
gb razz
pl Wrobel
pl n00n
pl wiesiek
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pl wiadro
pl uf0l
pl Frag'Stealer
pl sOme
CB Match Link
06.05.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XVII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 79445
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
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de #9th-Dimension [ETTV]
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #GMW`ETTV 1
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de #LoFT ETTV1
By: benJi (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
fr #Gamerz-Connexion TV II
By: dr4g (ettvd)
fr #StarZz.gaming TV
By: P3T4RD (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 371


1 st! <3 gl Fear Factory <3
o lol ale mecz :X
gl FF
hf mpg
You have € 55 on de pro Cancel bet
Possible win: € 99
ciezki mecz... gl FF
megaProGaming Ofc. Gl FF
FF win
i smell another forfeit, hf anyway
oops ... ale cieeezko
Ciekawe czy z respa wyjdą : DDDDDDDDD
forefit fo sho
All teams will forfeit so Eurocup will be won be ff !

Why so many ff's in the biggest cup of all?
bedzie sie dzialo... wlasnie... ciekawe czy z respa wyjda :XD :XD :] GL FF X-Fi HF - mpG :) just SMILE :)))
cos tak czuje ze bez wieska nie dzadza rady :] ale i tak GL FF ;]
i trust in FF !
ez mgp,
gl rico <3
easy for FF X-FI
i love FF , but i think its gona be easy for PRO , if wiesiek dont play :/
wszyscy mowia ze bez wieska nie wygraja a on to przeciez i tak 1/6 teamu... z nim czy bez niego FF WYGRA! i to jest pewne:)
hazer efftehweh, eazzy 4 module & co.

You have € 200 on TEAM pro
Possible win: € 228 <3

i shit on ur 8 euros , its just real love niggah
butchji 's nexus VS gnajda's bimbot

let's see what is better
funny guy u r
wisdom i sense in you
butchji's nexus xDDDDDDDDDDDD
u are so funny, u are so retarded
nas ne dogonyat Fear Factory!
gl rico
GL butchji haZer und co
wiesiek play?
gl mpg izi bash
no wiesiek no win! easy for mpg :////
You have € 45 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 370.35
You have € 49 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 399.35
No wiesiek, r1co playing, then win.
pro vs FF (0-1)
gl FF
You have € 128 on FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 1190.4
You have € 114 on FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 995.22
you are a student there, hope you did not forget that 8)
I’m doing my best to graduate in June, :( far as ETTV is working every day it will be hard for me to pass my finals easily so wish me luck):

nmr shut the gemestv org for Mayyy.!

gl razz
Fear Factory X-Fi pokaze jak graja polacy!!!!! napewno wygraja
gl butchji
gl FF :) wiader pokara !! :-]
Oo ale mecz gl & hf FF
Pro win imo

but GL FF : You have € 5 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 36.3

gl de Butchji , pl Wiesiek
wiesiek doesn't play ;/
de Dominic !!

BTW! pl n00n YOU FAKIN KNOW THAT YOU CAN'T PLAY EUROCUP AND OPENCUP IN THE SAME SEASON!! - you just played vs us yesterday (OC) ...
easy for mpg they have not lost any match yet, than why do you think that they will lose with med+ FF :D med+ because no wiesiek
You have € 25 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 176.5
gogo guys bet on FF !!!!!!! :D

gL potter !
FF zabijcie butchjiego tak dawno wpierdol nie dostal ;x FF BIJEE!
go go FF wiadro karaj ! You have € 37 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 253.82
Wiecej niemam xDDD
jesli bedzie NoShow ja sie zabije :(
gl pro
MEGAPRO Butchji :>
You have € 50 on pro
Possible win: € 58.5
gl :D wiadro i Wrobel > megaprogaming :D:D:D:D
clown, potter, gl :)
ou have € 100 on FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 623
izi fo sho :] chlopaki glosza kare
easy bash for mpg.
going to be cancelled?
gL poTTer
Match cancelled.
get some optimism !!
I was right two days ago, I was right yesterday, I'm right for today :D
agree with u, it will be cancelled
In 40 min I'll know if Im a real god or not :D
izi for pro5 no wiesiek no win .. :)
You have € 26 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 159.38

gl FF X-Fi and r1co
You have € 60 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 387.6
go bet on FF imo
FF "wiara czyni cuda" :)))
gl ff
Will this game be played tonight?

Yes 6.72 - 1.17 No
only if finest from poland plays
na berzieeeeeee panowie z FF :]
mpg forfeited this match due to lack of interest
broken irony meter? :P
you sir, are allowed to shut up :-)
*KISS* gl guyz but FF rullez!
You have € 62 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 451.36
You have € 30 on FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 201.9

gl FF
You have € 49 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 328.79
gl FF <3 to prawda wiesiek to tylko 1/6 teamu
You have € 90 on pro
Possible win: € 105.3

no wiesiek no win :D
GL FF :)
You have € 50 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 339
FF plz ;)
2/0 4 Mpg :)
when is 20.00 WEST?
atleast no forfeith ! hahaha nice time of pro on supply
2:0 pro
Are we going to see the 2nd map?
jaki wynik ?
4:0 to pro
co jest ?
pograne :/// Nastepnym razem bedzie lepie jestem optymista xD
fucking hell!! 30€ gone!
;/ gg
wynik był do przewidzenia :)
"rzal i bul"
to ja Ci napisalem!! :D i odblokuj mnie na gg xDDD
super, a potem idzcie razem pobawic sie w piaskownicy na podwórku
morda randomie
chcialbym Cie spotkac na ulicy i zobaczyc czy wtedy tez jestes taki wazny, a moze leczysz swoje kompleksy przez internet
to po co komentuje wszystko? -. -
not even 4:2 :/ no wiesiek no win ;(
gg pro gg