'xD Trickjump, vs cat in a hat (4347 views)

nl 7ele
hr arma
hr mAxwell
nl Sebhes
gb Shaman
fi Sherclock
nl Freddy
fi Rsp
no Sinche
fi smak
fi Swanidius
nl woott
ET Reborn LAN 2015
Consolation Tournament - Best Of 3

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Have fun 'xD
Go Caaaaats, your dream might come true :D
wp guys, do it for my night
You have € 200 on eu 'xD
You won € 226
Quote by mAxwellWhere is Cony?

I am here, and i am proud of the eu 'xD Trickjump, team :D!
:( so close to win this one map swanim8
replay of the stream up on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81sRxwWUd50