'xD Trickjump, vs LIKE A BOSS (8487 views)

13.05.15 21:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | CyberGamer EU | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15
Viewer Peak: 15

gl eron, chillax, Shebhes and Sherlock
avi for like a boss :D
Me and specula avi
avi ;)
Ez boys
mourinho heeft deze wel
Als het nu juventus of real wordt, barça wint toch :D
durft die het aan is de vraag ^^
boyz & sebhes & ohurcool

Komt irc, kunde meespelen als ge wilt
You have 50 on be BOSS Cancel bet
Possible win: 1626
No idea who these guys are but lets go make me rich!
Possible win: 1626
No idea who these guys are but lets go make me rich!
gl ma boys
yeah sure
but but but? :( I also said I'm avi and you :(
but but but we're trying to get the 'old' boss players back :P
try it again in 2017 ":D"
Was talking about the past Cup ( CG2 ) - and base barely played with Boss in cups (6v6)
Chilax, can u send me the teamspeak on cf? Ill be there around 20:00, 20:30
idk how you plan to win with this ohurcool guy as an engi
Where's this Wrath machine ?
i heard that he is currently having a sabbatical year in india
GL guys! :D
hehe damn mate we need ya :D hf there!
LOL actually just busy with work. Can't help you on this match, I'm so rubbish atm.
hehe kay, gl with that !
avi but still xp user -- sorry and gl
avi rifle or fops my love chilax
Alright, infos in your inbox! cu 21:30 <3 xD
avi aerodactyl
avi my friends xD
avi as medic/fops
wrong team raapz :(
Als je met hun speelt ben je ecgt een kk nerd rapz xD
Jij zou dat ook wel willen als je geen ban had, latah gerard
( real - juve 0-2 straks )
( real - juve 0-2 straks )
optyffe gaaaauw. Real gaat juve harde kloppie geven
Nee bob, 1-1 latah hahahaha
Doei real :D/D/D/D/D/D/D/D/:d:dd:dd:
fuck off with your config test
Show a bit more respect...
Yeah, msh100 changed it to 'Config test', but we didnt agree on that so i changed it back to the old DE server. After that ohurcool wanted to play on UK server.. we didnt agree on that because its only ohurcool that lives in america or not in europe, then sebhes changed it back to 'Config test' while i obviously said we wont test that config, so changed back and then the big boss had to change it again and again
so, its not msh100 fault <3
e: rapz deleted his comment (it was reply on rapz :D)
so, its not msh100 fault <3
e: rapz deleted his comment (it was reply on rapz :D)
forfeit win?
Gg, Waste of time tbh :)
(bosszpar [Intermission]: soz for the whine :P ------> it's not whine it are just facts )
(bosszpar [Intermission]: soz for the whine :P ------> it's not whine it are just facts )

Should i take the loggs of changing the server?
20 frags without fragging incoming
One big waste of time, thanks to that american idiot
if only we had played on a DE server instead of UK then the score would obviously be reversed in this serious grand final ladder match
nice killing ET Sebhes
nice killing ET Sebhes
Atleast it would be more fun for us mister boss of ET -i can choose what server i want for this offi
changed Matchserver (manual) ohurcool Today 21:34
Password set on Matchserver Today 21:32
changed Matchserver (auto) ChilAx. Today 21:32
changed Matchserver (manual) Sebhes Today 21:32
Edited event Sebhes Today 21:31
Password set on Matchserver Today 21:28
changed Matchserver (auto) ChilAx. Today 21:28
changed Matchserver (manual) ohurcool Today 21:27
Connected tv 6130 to match Today 21:15
Connected hub 3266 to match Today 21:15
Password set on Matchserver Today 21:03
changed Matchserver (auto) ChilAx. Today 21:03
changed Matchserver (manual) msh100 Today 20:05
changed Matchserver (manual) ohurcool 12.05 22:11
changed Matchserver (auto) Sebhes 11.05 22:28
changed Matchserver (manual) ohurcool Today 21:34
Password set on Matchserver Today 21:32
changed Matchserver (auto) ChilAx. Today 21:32
changed Matchserver (manual) Sebhes Today 21:32
Edited event Sebhes Today 21:31
Password set on Matchserver Today 21:28
changed Matchserver (auto) ChilAx. Today 21:28
changed Matchserver (manual) ohurcool Today 21:27
Connected tv 6130 to match Today 21:15
Connected hub 3266 to match Today 21:15
Password set on Matchserver Today 21:03
changed Matchserver (auto) ChilAx. Today 21:03
changed Matchserver (manual) msh100 Today 20:05
changed Matchserver (manual) ohurcool 12.05 22:11
changed Matchserver (auto) Sebhes 11.05 22:28
the only player I noticed with "issues" (98 ping - same as me) while nearly fullholding you at tank on grush was Kenji, the rest of you had 48 stable ping just like most of us
yes I changed the server to a UK one, you don't have to paste the logs
yes I changed the server to a UK one, you don't have to paste the logs
So from 48 to 54 to 51 to 58 to 48 to 200 to 50 is stable? 98ping stable is more playable then unstable ping u morron
And yes you changed it 3 times(after i changed the servers again and again, and i said we are playing on that server, but no, u selfish shitnerd thinks that you can do everything with your rights)
And yes you changed it 3 times(after i changed the servers again and again, and i said we are playing on that server, but no, u selfish shitnerd thinks that you can do everything with your rights)
I don't think that's actually how it went, but regardless you guys lost because you played poorly not because of the server
right, so basically we both wanted a different server and you're upset that you didn't get your way - sorry I guess
right, so basically we both wanted a different server and you're upset that you didn't get your way - sorry I guess
Yeah because you think you can do what you want :-) and we played so shit beccause we couldnt hit a shit on that server and it ruined our good mood to keep playing, so gratz with your 3-0 win since we played very serious :-)
if your mood is ruined so easily (by having to play ET on a UK server lol) then maybe you should spend less time moaning and more time learning to control your emotions
my mood to play ET, not my real life mood, oh yeah that something that exists too ^^ ohurcool :-) and whats wrong with my emotions? Tell me, seems like you know me better than i know myself :) Its just the fact, it was just you that thought you could decide in our place, thats it, i'm not smashing my whole room in 100 pieces or something xDxD
this isn't the first time you've left the server early and whined both during and after a game you lost, clearly there are some underlying issues here
Ehm, like when? & i heard you had/have a bad day ^^ so who cant control his emotions?:D (Like getting 'base' into this at the warmup) (and i only said twice "this server" ingame, and yeah i type books on gamestv after the game. But i'm only 'whining' vs you. Not vs the rest of Trickjump, just stop 'abusing' the rights you have next time man. You can't do a UK server if only you have a bad ping in a DE/NL server.
I can assure you that I am in full control of my emotions and am feeling quite calm and relaxed at the moment
no rights were abused, Sebhes had said in the admin comments to "add the UK server", which I did and then re-added after you said you wouldn't play on Marcus' "config test" server
no rights were abused, Sebhes had said in the admin comments to "add the UK server", which I did and then re-added after you said you wouldn't play on Marcus' "config test" server
Didnt agree with that UK server :) only you did + i'm feeling quite calm and relaxed too :D listening music, Chill(ax)'n :)
I gave r4pz the server info on IRC and he didn't ask to change the server, so it was assumed that all was fine and your "shit server" comments were dismissed (perhaps wrongfully so) as typical whining and complaining
Oke :-)
48 ping instead of 98 ping doesn't help you from running 1 by 1 into a defense on goldrush.
(even though your ping was 48 every time i checked)
And if the logs proof anything it is that you forcefully tried to alter the server that was set by gtv admins
(even though your ping was 48 every time i checked)
And if the logs proof anything it is that you forcefully tried to alter the server that was set by gtv admins
That was -like i said above- because that unstable ping ruined our mood to play, thats why we kept going alone and no teamplay
Wel i think you're blind then if you saw my ping everytime 48, i never had 48 it was always 50 or more)
And msh100 changed the server to 'config test' because he wanted us to try the new config, but we didnt agree on that, so i changed it back to a DE server (and i'm gtv admin too)
Wel i think you're blind then if you saw my ping everytime 48, i never had 48 it was always 50 or more)
And msh100 changed the server to 'config test' because he wanted us to try the new config, but we didnt agree on that, so i changed it back to a DE server (and i'm gtv admin too)
Ohurcool, I've never thought u're bein' such an asshole like u showed up now.
If u rly have checked the pings, u should've seen my jumping ping (Supply Depot 48 in the beginning, jumping up to 100 the whole time and on GRush 98 with a big jump up to 180)
I don't search a reason for losing this match, surely we played pretty bad cuz some of us're inactive (LoL, why am I explaining that to u?) but ur behaviour for example giving comms like "xD ohurcool, [6:39]: ye you probably would've set a time already". Is that an admin? Which shows respect? Which want respect? Sorry if I might be a retard now (Well, every second player is a retard for you, so whatever) but u call yourself an admin and there is the sad point. You're just as toxic as those players who destroys the game with their cheats. Abusing your rights to get an advantage (Yes, its true cuz boss played 5v6 on Goldrush and thats a truely fact) in a game. Thats just sad.
If u rly have checked the pings, u should've seen my jumping ping (Supply Depot 48 in the beginning, jumping up to 100 the whole time and on GRush 98 with a big jump up to 180)
I don't search a reason for losing this match, surely we played pretty bad cuz some of us're inactive (LoL, why am I explaining that to u?) but ur behaviour for example giving comms like "xD ohurcool, [6:39]: ye you probably would've set a time already". Is that an admin? Which shows respect? Which want respect? Sorry if I might be a retard now (Well, every second player is a retard for you, so whatever) but u call yourself an admin and there is the sad point. You're just as toxic as those players who destroys the game with their cheats. Abusing your rights to get an advantage (Yes, its true cuz boss played 5v6 on Goldrush and thats a truely fact) in a game. Thats just sad.
really? you're comparing me to a cheater because I changed the match server to a UK one? :D bit ridiculous don't you think?
I said this to imply that the server was not the reason you were getting fullheld and I stand by that
and you don't want to bring the whole "being an admin" thing into this as your team captain isn't exactly a flawless admin himself
I said this to imply that the server was not the reason you were getting fullheld and I stand by that
and you don't want to bring the whole "being an admin" thing into this as your team captain isn't exactly a flawless admin himself
I love you too <3
ohurcool cheating to win, whats new?
then u should watch the replay I guess. My ping sometimes jumped to 300 as well. But hey, I dont care; we played shit (even if we had nice pings)
What he meant was: giving some reactions like this:
"xD ohurcool, [6:39]: ye you probably would've set a time already"
And now you can say: you did the same, i'm only blaming and raging on you! (but i'm still calm tho :D)
"xD ohurcool, [6:39]: ye you probably would've set a time already"
And now you can say: you did the same, i'm only blaming and raging on you! (but i'm still calm tho :D)
yall lows complaining about 100 ping, i considered that good ping for me and I rape xD. Should of used me xD. Bunch of lowbob belgians whine and complain about everything xD
you guys are always playing with such a shitty ping so I guess you're used to it and it only makes you unhit; so be happy ;-)
maybe your aim just suck xD
Its not only my opinion but the opinion of +- 90 percent of all the European ET players. You guys are just hard to hit. (but you're right on the 'your aim sucks' part tho ;))
haha xDDD my friend playing with high ping sucks. 98 is not so bad, but when goes to 148+, you aim differently xD
Sebhes, weer zo mourinho truc van jou
Te triest voor woorden om de server te verandere, los van dat: het is maar een laddermatch boys, laat het lkkr gaan joh
I know, ze probeerden tot de laatste seconde hoor, hohoho :D ach de amerikaan denkt de baas te zijn van dit spelletje hier :D
Was't mooie match real?:D cristy cristy ronaldo gehuilt?
Was't mooie match real?:D cristy cristy ronaldo gehuilt?
Ik heb genoten, kkr real hehe.
Maar laat t lkkr gaan joh, twas maar een laddermatch.
Maar laat t lkkr gaan joh, twas maar een laddermatch.
Ma die amerikaan denkt dat hij goed is ofzo :P zo'n zielig ventje
yup, veel zieliger dan huilen, ragequiten en met kanker schelden terwijl je gewoon op een normale server gefullhold wordt op de eerste stage met een cheater in je team die 15k damage schiet terwijl jullie afgemaakt worden.
Hoe voelt het om na 10 jaar nog steeds lowskill te zijn?
e: en dan heb ik het nog niet eens over die LBO'er die met kanker scheldt
Hoe voelt het om na 10 jaar nog steeds lowskill te zijn?
e: en dan heb ik het nog niet eens over die LBO'er die met kanker scheldt
En rapz is geen cheater, bewijs het dan? en laat hem hierbuiten, hij heeft hier niets mee te maken, jij ook niet eignelijk, ik praatte gewoon tegen ohurcool.
En precies of jullie het zo makkelijk hadden op supply, ging closer geweest zijn gewoon (ik zeg niet dat we gingen winnen, want we speelden zoiezo slecht en zonder teamplay) maar de zin om et te spelen was er ook nie meer nadat je beseft dat je kogels 2seconden achterkomen, en zelf je spuitjes...... Ga je over skill beginnen (en sorry ik speel nog geen 10jar zoals jij doet) :-) zucht wa heeft dat er nu mee te maken? blijkbaar doe jij enkel aan 'Serious gaming' en speel je niet voor de fun. Manneke tg xd
En rapz is geen cheater, bewijs het dan? en laat hem hierbuiten, hij heeft hier niets mee te maken, jij ook niet eignelijk, ik praatte gewoon tegen ohurcool.
En precies of jullie het zo makkelijk hadden op supply, ging closer geweest zijn gewoon (ik zeg niet dat we gingen winnen, want we speelden zoiezo slecht en zonder teamplay) maar de zin om et te spelen was er ook nie meer nadat je beseft dat je kogels 2seconden achterkomen, en zelf je spuitjes...... Ga je over skill beginnen (en sorry ik speel nog geen 10jar zoals jij doet) :-) zucht wa heeft dat er nu mee te maken? blijkbaar doe jij enkel aan 'Serious gaming' en speel je niet voor de fun. Manneke tg xd
Als er iemand serieus is dan ben jij het wel, dat heb je vandaag bewezen. En dan heb ik het over huilen, niet over et spelen.
Het kan mij allemaal niet zoveel schelen, ik vind het gewoon triest als je zelf servers probeert te enforcen, keihard verliest op een normale server (jullie hadden allemaal stable 48 behalve eentje ~100) omdat je er 1 na 1 in gaat en dan een raid begint met een aantal van je lowskill vriendjes tegen iemand die meer doet voor de ET community dan jij ooit zult doen. Maarja je hebt je momentje gehad. fijne avond
Het kan mij allemaal niet zoveel schelen, ik vind het gewoon triest als je zelf servers probeert te enforcen, keihard verliest op een normale server (jullie hadden allemaal stable 48 behalve eentje ~100) omdat je er 1 na 1 in gaat en dan een raid begint met een aantal van je lowskill vriendjes tegen iemand die meer doet voor de ET community dan jij ooit zult doen. Maarja je hebt je momentje gehad. fijne avond
Ik had ook geen stable ping, eron ook niet en anger ook niet, de rest weet ik niet, maargoed ik zal wel blind zijn zeker? En zo serieus speelde? ja ik speelde wel heel serieus, heb 2x iets getypt ingame en heb echt lopen stressen hier voor mijn laptop enzo, pffiieewh En je snapt het nog altijd niet wrm we op grush gwn zo SLECHT speelden... maar kga he tniet meer uitleggen ook, je zal het duidelijk niet snappen :D En excuseer?? - Ik heb nooit gezegd dat ohurcool niets doet voor ET, integendeel ! Hij doet vel en heeft ET levend gehouden, misschien ga ik nooit zovee lkunnen doen als ohurcool, maar ik draag toch mijn steentje bij als admin van ET hoor :) Het was puur hoe hij persee op die server wou spelen omdat HIJ beter ping zou hebben, zonder te denken wat die andere 11 spelers hebben van ping dan. Had er gewoon al geen zin mer in van voor we begonnen, maargoe! GG WP
& het is enkel ik die 'flame' op ohurcool, niet de rest. Ik heb gewoon mijn momentje, ik mag toch zeggen wat ik wil, dat doet ohurcool ook :-) (en doet ook wat hij wil dusja) Internet, das gemaakt om je mening te kunnen posten en zo'n discussies op gang te brengen zeker :D later man! tot de volgende
& het is enkel ik die 'flame' op ohurcool, niet de rest. Ik heb gewoon mijn momentje, ik mag toch zeggen wat ik wil, dat doet ohurcool ook :-) (en doet ook wat hij wil dusja) Internet, das gemaakt om je mening te kunnen posten en zo'n discussies op gang te brengen zeker :D later man! tot de volgende
Ja omdat "the mood" ruined was... Maarja klopt je mag zeggen wat je wilt. Ik heb niks tegen jou persoonlijk. Het enige is dat als ik vind dat mensen onterecht samen tegen iemand groupen dan zeg ik daar wat van. En dat is extra makkelijk als een admin van 1 van de leagues speelt. Wij spelen overigens met 4 eu nationaliteit en 1 uit de us en niemand heeft problemen. Ik had zelfs na 6 minuten 6 xp op defense in supply. Als jullie betere teamplay hadden hadden jullie makkelijk kunnen winnen.
Ja klopt, was eerste game van Kenjii sinds weken, en we hebben denkik allemaal al 2 maand ook geen 6v6 meer gedaan :P Supply defence ging nog 'redelijk' op momente, de rest was gwn super slecht xd ik heb ook neits tegen jullie persoonlijk, en ik heb het persoonlijk niet voor ohurcool omdat hij al vaak dingen deed die me niet aanstaan (ach) ik pik er ook niemand uit ofzo, ik probeerde gewoon aan te halen dat hij dat niet meer moet doen in het vervolg + ik weet goed genoeg dat men snel negatief doet over een admin ofzo (want ben er zelf 1 ) en ja ik weet dat dit gedrag geen admin gedrag is, maar dit heeft niets te maken met admin zijn nu hier, ik gedraag me best 'proffesioneel' als admin hoor :D (nu denk je wss, haha ik merk het :D) Maar ik ben weg, hopelijk spelen we nog eens tegen elkaar (& i promis, kzal nie meer whinen dan, als iedereen normaal doet xd)
volgende keer andere server en nieuwe match. no problem for me. goodnight
Voila! goodnight
Lbo'er ? tegen wie heb je het?
Als het tegen mij is, laat mij er lekker buiten. Grappenmaker.
Als het tegen mij is, laat mij er lekker buiten. Grappenmaker.
ja jij was toch dat jochie dat net kanker gebruikte en "te triest voor woorden" in de richting van ohurcool. Geen flauw idee wie je bent maar als je erbuiten gelaten wilt worden moet je je er niet mee bemoeien.
Jij ook nog een fijne nacht ;)
'Geen flauw idee wie je bent'
Jij voelt je toch ook wel goed he met iedereen nonames te noemen :P Jezus christus zeg xD
Jij voelt je toch ook wel goed he met iedereen nonames te noemen :P Jezus christus zeg xD
ik was lekker bezig gister laat mij ook eens :(
Ohurcool abusing his powerpuff admin?

busted cheater coming to the rescue of another busted cheater?
Why did you change the server?
Becaus he had better ping there :-)))))))))))))))))))))
it gives me 98 ping as opposed to 148, both of which are significantly higher than 48
So because YOU have a bad ping > the others that have a unstable ping?
I did not notice any unstable pings from your team except for Kenji
the server is fine and has been used in dozens of matches without issues
the server is fine and has been used in dozens of matches without issues
I think you have to buy some glasses then (or a new one). it jumped from 48 tot 56 to 50 to 100 to.... don't lie man :D
well I don't usually check my opponents' pings regularly when playing an offi, maybe you do but I prefer to focus on the game
It was just waste of my time (not that i had something better to do xDDDDDDDDDDDDd) but still... And yeah, i think i wasnt focussing on the game , was a bad game from me, and we had no teamplay
sorry for my flame on you, but i hope you know i'm (a bit) right about that part of the server changes? I'm off now, thanks for game btw! :-)
sorry for my flame on you, but i hope you know i'm (a bit) right about that part of the server changes? I'm off now, thanks for game btw! :-)
30 hours a week of et still going 20-70.. oh lord
How is it like to have no life at all? How is it like to make such a big deal and drama out of everything? Especially this shit old game which you desperately hang on to, it's not the first time when you whine about the servers and pick the one that suits you better than the opposing team, wow admin such neutral much impartial very even.
p.s. you never actually caught me cheating ":)))))" because you had no proofs at all beside the fact that I was running the anticheat on my other computer instead of the one I was playing from, the only thing that you could have done was to ASSUME that I was cheating not to lie like a cunt and even say that you have PROOFS which you obviously could not have.
p.s. you never actually caught me cheating ":)))))" because you had no proofs at all beside the fact that I was running the anticheat on my other computer instead of the one I was playing from, the only thing that you could have done was to ASSUME that I was cheating not to lie like a cunt and even say that you have PROOFS which you obviously could not have.
he continues my legacy :D
actually you guys are the ones commenting up a storm here turning this into a big deal, but yeah sorry to hit a nerve there
we found cheats on your desktop, and it's pretty obvious that you were cheating as there's no other reason to tamper with an anticheat like that
we found cheats on your desktop, and it's pretty obvious that you were cheating as there's no other reason to tamper with an anticheat like that

im 12 and what is this
ET?!?!? :D
bahhaha ohurcool raping nerds


Serious shit going on here jesus
Yup. Gezellig!
you guys complaining about ping, so cute!
watched this match and a stable ping would not save the horrible teamplay seen by team BOSS....
you're absolutely right, we've never said that we would have won the game without those shitty lagspikes, we played shit as a team. However, its very annoying for us (people who arent used to the lagspikes) to play like this, especially because the oppo doesnt seem to have the same problem as we had :)
but hey, its a ladder match in 2k15, who cares that much ? The only thing Im saying is that it was annoying to play like that, but still, we lost cuz we were shit, not because of the ping/lagspikes.
but hey, its a ladder match in 2k15, who cares that much ? The only thing Im saying is that it was annoying to play like that, but still, we lost cuz we were shit, not because of the ping/lagspikes.
everyone knows that high ping just makes you unhit and win against better opponents anyway...
false, my 198 ping on euro server is no fun unless the opponent is really bad
fiz you never played in any sort of low skill ET 6o6 that meant something, let alone a european one lmao. Don't comment on shit you dont know scrub
lol you are right bud I am usually not gaming mid-day american time because I got to go to work, glad you are able to partake in these epic euro matches though.. very impressive getting carried to wins while coming dead last in all categories.. I'm not great at this game but you are literally terrible, please refrain from calling anyone a scrub ever again. thanks bud, End expecting a blowjob soon, dont be late.
go get 'em tiger!
just shows how ignorant you are lol I do have a job too im sorry it doesnt conform to your 9-5 american dream you are fucking horrible at this game Im 5x the player you will ever be. NDG For lyfe bro
lol... well have fun working that shitty graveyard shift at wal mart... And no, you are clearly delusional, and worse than 90% of the players left in america.. u were pretty good in NAG man, except when u got benched most of the time and lost the times u did play. I'm done.
Ha I never benched for NAg you are delusional...guess it comes with the lack of social skills...being on TS with peaches and kitty is probably the closest you've came to approaching a woman in your life. Your trash kid polish my twl season 8 beta ring and cal b-bracket title belt

Yes Yes I'm sure u are quite the ladies man with that gross nasal voice of yours.. had to mute u on ts it was so bad. Nice FB profile pic btw big pimpin
my profile pic is something we called a sports player something you know nothing about. Go ask kitty how I look...just make sure you give me 20 minutes notice so I can make sure an ambulance makes it to your house before you end your life
only play basketball, would be glad to stomp u in a 1v1 lol. nigga im not gonna ask kitty what you look like, good lord... Let me know if you are ever in cali so i can bitch slap you then take a shit on your face.
I'd smoke you in ball just like I do in ET np. I guess the residency of California explains why you are so retarded
HAHAHHA so true though
who was that reply to
nice hair
nice legs my arms are longer
low skill belgians everywhere xD. Whine Whine Whine xD What has happen to skilled beligan Et xD
I like your basic americain mind
Ez bet
zpar @ 'xD,
[16:39] <zpar> these guys are med-
[16:39] <zpar> no fun
[16:39] <zpar> these guys are med-
[16:39] <zpar> no fun
Good job jon you make me proud!!
fuck you guys are nerds.
holy fuck i knew ohurcool was a pathetic nerd, but this is just sad lol
Being busted has nothing to do with you being a retarded braincrippled nolife nerd.
You even were trying to get at boss team using my name, i got banned a year ago. Get over it with, you geek.
You even were trying to get at boss team using my name, i got banned a year ago. Get over it with, you geek.
oh well that's an embarrassingly ironic thing to say, you should probably delete these comments a bit sooner than usual :P
embarassing? Did you really just say that? Its the internet fucking retarded nerd.
embarassing, holy shit. You prolly also blush when peaches says goodjob to you after planting a dyna on supply, geek.
embarassing, holy shit. You prolly also blush when peaches says goodjob to you after planting a dyna on supply, geek.
outside the inet u are also a disgusting nerd, so i dont understand ur points here
peaches never tells me good job :(
anyway sorry to upset you so much but this is getting too awkward, I liked it better when you pretended not to care instead of trying hard to be some sort of internet gangster
anyway sorry to upset you so much but this is getting too awkward, I liked it better when you pretended not to care instead of trying hard to be some sort of internet gangster
You're the one being mad changing servers 3times a row, calls me upset and caring. Háhá cute

Haha tis ook het enigste wat hij kan zeggen 'van busted cheaters blablbla :D' voor de game begon hij ook iets van, ja nu zal het langer duren om base op de server te krijgen :D:D
Haha die jongen heeft niks anders naast dit spelletje. Volgensmij is die na 1 jaar nogsteeds superblij dat die mij heeft mogen bannen, echt hilarisch :P
van brug op steen met dat soort mensen :DDDD
van brug op steen met dat soort mensen :DDDD