Finland vs Yermanz (5964 views)

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United Cup I
Champions Bracket
Grand Final

de Yermanz has to win twice
Winner gets €100,-

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: United Cup I » Matchlink
Manager: ChilAx. (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 12647
The bets have been cancelled.

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Video Streams
By: ChilAx.
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: German
By: ChilAx.
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: German
By: MerlinatoR
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Language: English

Viewer Peak: 40

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16

Overall Viewerpeak: 56


Gl fin
gl junis :)
that is one weak ass finland team lamo
hf kRest
Vg ihr Kakkes
my stream aint working got black screen for some reason, gotta try to fix it if not iam sry
Finland no players today and forfeits the game. gz yermans
how can you just forfeit a final game, when people hosting a cup and trying to set some nice cup for the players and doing an effort, and people just dont give a shit. nice attitude
they are just retarted thats the point
Dont talk when u dont know shit
get mercs get who ever you want lets just play.

but this is rly shit tbh !
my words, great and hard work from the admins, even merli trys to cast games and invests his time, others dont care .. dunno who they think they are^^ (i hope admins ban them from the 2nd edition)
forfeit win yermanz
trolololo fins scared? :p
Funny that first yermanz and rockit fucked up the original schedule which was perfectly fine for us and now when we can't play they get forfeit.
it was never us, get infos^^

we even played games with 2 mercs and so on, idc, but u guys just had a 6o6 and could have played us without a doubt^^
Okay before the shit hits the fan too much and everyone flames us not to play lets say this.

The cup went totally wrong at this point

Sunday, 7th of June 20:00 CET: Champions Bracket - LB Final
Sunday, 7th of June 21:00 CET: Champions Bracket - Grand Final

Yermans and rockit were suppose to play the LB final 1 hour before the grand final last week. Guess what cup got delayed coz they played next day on monday and final got postponed. We were able to play everyday from tuesday till thursday but yermanz didnt have players. So now 1 week after the actuall final date we have only 3 players from our lineup to play the game. I told that we try to get players to play the game but it was impossible job to do. It felt pointless to go getting spawnraped without teamplay and tactics.

We are sorry for merli and other who waited for this game.
don't worri bro you'd rekterino 'em
First part is true. But you didn't say to me 'i'll try to get players' you just said: 'Oke, but it'll be without vokki then but idc"

see you all in UC II
I'm talking about the time we scheduled this Final to today
we would have played this game without vokki. Then statti said he cannot either. We were also ready to play at this point but then even squall wasnt avi today so just meh
we were always rdy to play on normal schedule! it was the brites who wanted to play 21cet everytime and the admins agreed on that!

dont wanna get logs from irc for that gameschedule with u, BUT we did agree on many different times/dates for u and u even said >TODAY< that u gonna play with mercs! i dont get my players all the time to do nothing than wasting all the time just because others cant organize their teams..
Ban UK from ET
I can settle this with stownage on (HBC), next friday night, he will be there.
Just play the final when both teams are able to play..
Fuck forfeits ..
Yep :D 2015 and forfeit win, who does that ? :-D