Finland vs dMon eSports (7536 views)

fi Statti
fi tomba
fi Swanidius
fi toNi
fi vokki
fi walle
pl Abj
pl b3lka
pl dialer
hu Fobje
pl Frag'Stealer
pl WuT

United Cup II
Group B
Match 2

#ET:U - United Cup II - Facebook
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: United Cup II » Matchlink
Manager: ChilAx. (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 15376
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
Fobje's stream
By: cONY
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English
By: MerlinatoR
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 107

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 30

Overall Viewerpeak: 137


gl hu Fobje
You have € 120000 on fi FIN

Possible win: € 122400

izi skins

polaks only play DB these days. they totally out of shape
:( lets paly next cup
geelii swani ja tomba :)
mister tombini!!!
and swani
gg wp

solid dmg
What's going on lately? I haven't watched the games, but your stats have been dropping :s
Too much nerding other games (DB, CS)

I have beautiful girlfriend.

Im too old for ET these days.
a girlfriend more important than ET, hehehehehe you almost got me!
on a serious side though, good luck on the other games (if you're playing competitively) and wish the best for you and your gf :)
"A que é que sabe a pila dele? " #nohomo
Sandes de maionese, o tipo de merdas que tu preparas no McDonalds ou seja lá o que for.
Informação não confirmada, nunca trabalhei em tal sitio
Em sitio melhor tambem não vai ser. Trabalhar nas obras é sempre uma opção
Agora que falas nisso a Construção Civil em Portugal está a aumentar, vou aproveitar para mandar uns currículos, beijinhos. #nohomo
Começa a praticar com lego, os tijolos devem ser um bocadinho pesados.
replay of the stream up on youtube: